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Vaiko demands rollback in energy policy

MDMK leader Viako has urged the Central government to roll-back its fuel subsidy policy stating it is against the interest of the common man.

Vaiko demands rollback in energy policy


The central government which withdrew fuel gas subsidy for those above Rs 10 per annum income bracket, has now announced a price hike for non-subsidized fuel cylinders from Rs 621 to Rs 671.50 by Rs 50 in compliance with the earlier move. It shows that Modi government intends to abolish the subsidy altogether, he said.

Though international price for crude oil has fallen to $37, the government is not taking measures to reduce fuel product prices. Instead it is engaged in hiking them continuously. As the World Bank and WTO decide government policies, the BJP government is behaving like the earlier Congress government, claimed Vaiko.

It is also engaging in direct transfer to bank accounts of subsidy related to Kerosene. While the scheme introduced by Congress government was vehemently opposed by BJP, it is now just following the same. Those who are buying Kerosene at cheaper rates are forced to buy at higher prices outside now, he indicated. 

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