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India playing an important role in non-proliferation: MEA official

India is playing an important role in the global programme of non-proliferation, an official of the External Affairs Ministry said here on Friday.

India playing an important role in non-proliferation: MEA official


He said that the country does produce and export items which are sensitive and have dual-use, which is for both civilian and non-civilian purposes.

"As a responsible member of the international community, India is committed to non-proliferation of sensitive and dual-use materials and technology, where the country has an impeccable record", Indra Mani Pandey, Additional Secretary (Disarmament & international security affairs) division of External Affairs ministry, said here, at an Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) event.

Pandey said this only reflect the efficacy of the country's export control system which is also in the interest of national security and meeting international obligations.

The official said that new and emerging technologies, with their potential for dual-use, pose a huge challenge to export control regime of the country.

Pandey said "India has never been a source for proliferation. For manufacturing certain items which are on a special list, called SCOMET, companies engaged in their manufacture are required to obtain a license from certain government agencies to help ascertain and verify the end user".

This, Pandey said, is required because dual-use technologies and sensitive items do not reach the wrong hands, particularly the non-state actors.

He said that India had joined three key international export regimes, namely the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Australia Group and the Hague Code of Conduct.

"India has been harmonising the country's export control list in line with the changes in their guidelines", he said.

Pandey said government-industry partnership is essential for implementing a strong and robust export control regime.

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