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Soon, humanoid domestic help at Zuckerberg’s house

Mark Zuckerberg to build an artificially intelligent assistant to run his house and help in his work.

Soon, humanoid domestic help at Zuckerberg’s house
Mark Zuckerberg

New York

As new year targets go, creating a butler using artificial intelligence might be an ambitious project for many, but apparently not for the Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg.  He wants to build an artificially intelligent assistant in 2016 to help run his home and assist him at work. 

Zuckerberg, who commits to a new personal challenge every year, revealed his plans on Facebook. “You can think of it kind of like Jarvis in Iron Man,” Zuckerberg wrote, referring to an artificially intelligent butler who appears in the Marvel comic books and movies. “This should be a fun intellectual challenge to code this for myself,” Zuckerberg wrote. “I’m looking forward to sharing what I learn over the course of the year.”

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