Tarot - On the cards

Take a look at this week's predictions for your sign.;

By :  migrator
Update:2022-02-06 08:01 IST
Tarot - On the cards
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The Magician card symbolizes the power of creation – because right now you have everything in your hands to make things happen. There is the desire, the drive and the energy to go through everything. This brings about confidence, and the knowledge that you can do it. It could be an idea, a solution or a job or project that will need your inputs. All you need now is to trust the process and move forward boldly. The Page of Swords is someone who is full of energy and enthusiasm. And this card ties in well with the magician which shows that if you combine these aspects victory is yours. So you are at that cusp when you are excited about starting a new project, looking at a new approach or learning something new. You must also have the ability to see through things till the end.

20 APRIL – 21 MAY

The Hierophant card shows a set of established spiritual values and beliefs. It also tells you to learn more and that too from a reliable mentor. Work with him/her to teach you spiritual values methodically. This could also be a time for formal study and delving deep into a subject you are interested in. If you are already an expert, share your knowledge. This card suggests that you are somehow walking the tried and tested conventional path and not yet ready to try out new and innovative ideas. It calls you to honour family traditions. The Eight of Cups shows you may feel compelled to walk away from some situations that do not make you happy. You want to do that as things didn’t turn out as expected. Put it behind you, move on with your life.

21 MAY – 21 JUNE

The Five of Swords comes when you have had a falling out, conflict or an argument and you wish to get away from it all. Even if you have won, you feel there is too much bad blood and that is not something you want to deal with. Pick your battles wisely. This is also a card that shows you could be competing with others to become successful. And you also see them as threats to your well-being and happiness. The Wheel of Fortune shows that life is in a state of constant changes. If you have been having a tough time, then you should know that better days are ahead. Good luck and fortune will make their appearance. So enjoy the good moments when they present themselves.

21 JUNE – 23 JULY

The appearance of the Knight of Swords shows you are a very driven, ambitious and action-oriented person. Also you are very motivated to succeed and you will stop at nothing. You will be quick to take action and plan and dive right into things that you feel will benefit you. Be assertive. Harness all the energy in your life by being proactive. You could also be acting in haste to be able to get to your goal. Give yourself time to think things through. You may be prone to rushing things or cutting corners to get a job done. The Strength card shows that you are driven by your inner strength and determination and you are able to be on top of a situation without force or aggression.

The King of Pentacles shows a time of wealth, financial abundance and success. There is the presence of a faithful provider who takes care of most things. And this person uses ambition and quiet confidence to create all these things for those in the family and circle of close friends. This is also a father figure providing others with guidance, especially in financial and work-related matters. Money flows more easily now. Enjoy all that has been accomplished and the successes. It is time for living well and staying in touch with spirituality. Five of Pentacles is a reminder to be aware of all the good things that are there and not operate from a place of want. But when you need, there are those who will come to your aid.


The Ten of Swords shows some kind of a difficult ending to some part of your life. It could be a relationship, a job or some contract that has run its course. You could be feeling betrayed. Cut the losses and move forward to better times. Also detach from things and people who are not good for you. If you feel like a victim, it might be counterproductive. Accept these as lessons to be learnt and move on. You cannot change the actions of another person, but you can change how you respond. The Page of Wands suggests that you are now ready to give everything a chance. Be grounded when it comes to your creative spark and implement all that you are thinking. A spiritual path may be calling you. You could benefit from taking input from a mentor.


The Three of Swords shows disappointment. It could be caused by sudden situations. But these could also be emotional releases that can be cathartic and help you take some burden off your mind. Expressing sadness is part of the cleansing process. Focus on the path ahead. Accept what is and move forward with your life. You need to realise that pain is necessary in life. Without pain, you would not experience the challenges needed to grow as a person. The Knight of Pentacles, shows work, effort and the drive to pursue all these. You are working well towards your goals. You are a good planner and implementer and you will choose the best course of action.


The Hanged Man reminds you to practice the pause before you take the next step or you will be forced to do so somehow. Give up old ways of thinking in lieu of different ones – those that are out of the box and innovative and fresh. These pauses can be voluntary or involuntary and you will know when to employ them. Some of your projects and activities could be ending and don’t push for their continuance. Connect with a new way of thinking and seeing. The Two of Swords shows you are looking at challenging decisions and still debating on which way to move forward. Use your head and your heart and choose the way best suited to your beliefs. Decide on a balancing strategy and work to make the right choice. The Two of Swords reminds us that many of life’s decisions are difficult ones.


The Knight of Cups shows the presence of a Master, a compassionate person in your life who is emotionally strong and a mentor. Or else it is you being a mentor to others around you. You like having good beautiful things around you and are very inspired by such things to translate into your own work and aesthetics. You may find yourself drawn to a particular passion or hobby. You will make decisions based on how you feel about a situation rather than what you think. Your intuition guides you. The Ten of Cups shows emotional contentment, particularly in your relationships and family. You are surrounded by your loved ones. There is harmony in your personal life. It indicates a happy relationship or a long term commitment.


With the appearance of the Knight of Wands, there is the indication of an actual pursuit of goals and dreams. You are charged with energy, passion, motivation and you are engaged in the action that gets you results. You have a vision about what you want to create and are now moving forward quickly. You are confident and you feel that you can do just about anything. However you need to watch out for impulsive and impatient actions and the results of such moves. You must not rush into things. The Two of Cups is the positive card showing the love between two people that brings about deep connections and partnerships. It could mean you are entering a new partnership work wise and personally too.


The Nine of Cups indicates emotional fulfilment and contentment. You are probably content right now in most aspects of your life and are experiencing the joys of these elements. This card comes as a sign that you ought to live in the moment. You can pat yourself on the back and enjoy your well-deserved break. Count your blessings and express gratitude for what you have. Things are usually temporary, so it is important to appreciate what you have now . The Temperance card brings balance, patience into your life. This also tells you to remain calm even when life feels stressful. Maintain an even temperament and manage your emotions.


The Eight of Swords comes to show that you are feeling trapped and pinned down by what is going on in your life. You feel your options are limited and could also be in a job that is not fulfilling, a relationship that could be going nowhere and generally things not being in alignment with your inner peace. Somewhere you feel trapped. This could be something that you are doing to yourself and it is up to you to break out of this hold. You just have to be decisive and clear. Change your thoughts and your reality. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones. There is a way out of your current situation.

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