Tarot: On the cards

The bay leaf is also a tool for manifestation, where you can write on a clean whole leaf and burn it.

Update:2023-05-28 06:00 IST

CHENNAI: This week, the benefits of BAY LEAVES are given. Many add bay leaves to food, especially when it comes to India. These are like vitamins, and not a substitute for proper medical intervention. The bay leaf is also a tool for manifestation, where you can write on a clean whole leaf and burn it. It could be money, good health, work or relationships.

Ensure you write with a blue pen, burn it safely and the ashes can be thrown into the wind or on the ground where it will not affect anyone. The stress and anxiety of getting what you want has to be eliminated.


Things are looking good at the moment, as there are many things to celebrate. There will be reunions, where you will connect with those, you enjoy being with. The Three of Cups show a happy time ahead, with plenty of things to eat and drink. However, it will also be good to be introspective of the things you do. The Judgement card tells you to do things within limits. You will be quick to settle down.


The temptation withdraw from the world, will be quite strong, as you contend with the happenings in your life. It is not disgust, rather, a sense of things feeling meaningless at this point. The Eight of Cups indicate, that, more than emotional fulfillment, you would rather quit from the rat race. The Hanged Man shows, that you are in a dilemma, about a relationship. The more you think out of the box the better.


You could be feeling, that you are tying yourself in knots, that actually could be self-imposed. Restrictions are what you do to yourself, and, that could lead to feeling frustrated, and unable to move forward. This is caused by overthinking, as the Eight of Swords suggest. The Magician assures you that, you are capable of the most seemingly difficult things. Whatever you are thinking of achieving could be just a couple of months away.


There are expenses, and you will be debating on how to utilize the available resources. The Two of Pentacles show that, using money wisely, will go a long way. There are many other things in the coming days, so spending wisely is a priority. The seven of cups show that, you have great expectations of people and situations. Remember, everything is a mirage. Around October or so, new things can happen.


The younger lot in your life, will be achieving new directions, that will impact life. The Knight of Cups, show a big degree of emotional maturity, that will propel them towards the right things, bringing not just money, but also admiration. This is complemented, by the Grace of the Guru, who will aid, and support the journey, provided, there is alignment towards these divine forces. There is also a charitable frame of mind right now.


You are in an ambitious state of mind right now, where work is priority. The Eight of Wands show multiple interests, but, you will need to prioritize and pick one or two, to pursue with seriousness. The Tower brings a huge change in your life, where the life you have led till now, will undergo a transformation. Towards the end of the year, you will do well with greater clarity.


Sometimes, you tend to ignore offers that come your way. You tend to overlook those, who can give you great emotional support, and stubbornly, only look at those, you think are important. Something, good is not being given enough consideration. The Ten of Cups show, that your personal life is on a better wicket, as you enjoy home life, in considerable peace. But what you are actually looking for, could take a few months more.


If you think life is a battle, then it is. Your thoughts will create your reality, so take things easy. The Five of Swords make you believe that, you must fight to get everything, which is not so. The Five of Cups, show that, you feel alone. You are actually, but you tend to give importance to those who are not the kind, who can give you the importance. Give work your all!


Right now, work seems to be important in your life. The Nine of Wands indicate, you are taking things on a war footing, trying to do all together. It is wise, to take one thing at a time. The Emperor shows that, a strong male energy in your life, acts as a mentor, and you feel much reassured with him. When it comes to money, it is a long-term benefit which you need not worry.


The Five of Pentacles show, that you are worrying about money. It is not necessary, as the abundance is there, in the form of everything being in order, and the world supporting you, in the best possible manner. The World card assures that things are good, and, any fears you have are self-made. Allow yourself to feel good about all that you have achieved, and also be secured knowing that, the universe has your back.


Plans that you have, are slowly taking shape, especially, if it has to do with building and travel. The Four of Swords show, that you are patient about it. The Empress shows a person who is caring and nurturing, in the ways of living, and also be in control of things. This is coupled with the presence of a male energy, and someone, who will guide and support you in all that you do.


A happy home and a carefree temperament, is your life, at the moment. The Four of Wands show, a happy personal space, where the environment is that of togetherness. The Fool card on the other hand, shows abandon, when it comes to doing what you want to. Impulsive outings are on the anvil, but be careful of how you go about it. There is travel indicated, but ensure it is safe to do so.


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