Tarot: On the cards
When there is pain one is not able to think of anything except removal of that discomfort.;
Any plans in your mind are likely to fructify in about four months’ time as the Four of Swords is indicating. But you will have to let go of the worry about the outcomes and be free so that the universe does its job. The Eight of Wands suggests a lot of work that you are tackling for which cool responses will help tremendously. There are some impulsive journeys which needs a bit of thinking before heading off.
Stardom is yours if you want. You have all the qualities to make things significant for yourself as well as for those around you as the star card is indicating. The Three of Wands shows that there are likely to be some overseas connections being made and that your life will extend beyond the place you are currently residing. However, this could make you retire from everything given the feelings of wanting to be on your own.
Sometimes you get so caught in your feelings that you fail to see the opportunities that could come right in front of you. You could be either ignoring it as the four of cups show. Don’t wait for the perfect thing and ignore the little blessings that come your way. The Queen of Pentacles shows the command you have over finances and the abundance for yourself. A youngster with a tough attitude could be bothering you a bit.
The week ahead is all about money- a young person in your life with money, helping to start new things while you yourself have got a nice pile yourself that will help kickstart new projects. The Knight of Pentacles refers to this youthful person and the Ten of Pentacles shows the money coming in possibly from family sources. There are journeys ahead overseas for work and exposure. You could also be in a collaborative venture.
The work of someone close, a youngster will occupy your thoughts and you will feel like you have to contribute with ideas to help this person. The Page of Wands shows you could feel tied down by the activities around you through this person. You could also be feeling hemmed in with your thoughts and outcomes not to your liking. Whatever you want happening in the life of your children will succeed by year end.
A good week ahead for those born under this sign. There is attention, care and money flowing. The Six of Cups shows that there are those who look out for you in the best possible manner. The Ace of Pentacles shows money coming to you as a great gift from the universe at a time when it is most welcome. There is travel in connection with a new beginning for those especially in the younger age group.
From someone strong comes good guidance, which will be most helpful in your career and long-term plans. The King of Wands shows that you are supported, and this could be something so silent that you can even miss it. The Two of cups shows a good partnership to these important bonds. There is a change coming that will ensure that life is not the same. This is for the good any which way you look at it.
You could feel like walking away from the occurrences in your life. But that is temporary and completely based on your perception of things and people. The Eight of Cups shows the tendency to brush things under the carpet instead of confronting whatever that makes you feel uncomfortable. The Six of Pentacles shows you to be in a charitable state of mind. Meanwhile, a strong person will show you the way to better things.
You are clear about what you need to do as the Three of Swords is indicating. This also alludes to a threesome in your life with people – you might not really like this combination, but it is there. The Seven of Wands indicates increased workload. You would do all in one go, but that will lead to fatigue. Allow yourself to take one thing at a time and space things out. All is well in your world.
A week where the preoccupation will be around money and other matters related to that. The Two of Pentacles shows that you will hesitate before you spend. The Page of Pentacles shows that you will be guided by a smart person who will ensure whatever you put in, in terms of money will be well spent. Just be assured that whatever the situation maybe, only the right thing will happen.
This is a time to check in with your spiritual voice and nature. Trust your intuition because you are on the right path. This could also be the beginning of a new phase as the Page of Cups indicates. Take time to work all this through and use your creativity. The King of Swords shows the presence of a strong, clear-headed individual who provides you support. Right now, you are taking care of all the important things.
You feel you are handling everything on your own, without much support from those around you. The Hermit is a card that indicates solitude. The Five of Wands shows hostility at work and with the work you do. Coworkers can be aggressive and non-cooperative which can make things very difficult for you. Meanwhile you are being well provided by a male energy who takes care of your monetary needs and somehow holds the purse strings.