Tarot: On the cards

Five of Cups shows that you could be ignoring the good things in your life.

Update:2023-08-06 06:00 IST


The relationship angle in your life is good. Especially if it is a significant one – spouse, romantic partner or business partnership. Meanwhile the Five of Cups shows that you could be ignoring the good things in your life. You probably will concentrate on how isolated you are feeling instead of looking at relationships you could be taking for granted. Good part is the children in your life will be doing very well.


Right now, your near and dear ones, especially if they are your children, will be doing well as shown by the Sun card. The Queen of Pentacles shows you are on top of things and financially this is a good time. You will have money, which you are most likely to use wisely. Also there need not be any fear of not having enough money and avoid thinking from a place of want. Think abundance and prosperity always.


You could be handling too many things workwise at this point in time. The Ten of Wands suggests that you are burdened and feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of things you have to handle at work and home. The Knight of Wands shows the passion, drive and hard work being put in by a youngster in your life. When it comes to money and its power, you have enough and more of it.


The Chariot shows that whatever you are doing, you are doing the right way. There is also some kind of travel indicated, which will be needed to fulfill your goals. The Ten of Pentacles indicates the influx of abundance and money and you are most likely to get through some family or investments made. What you will do with this money is something you will debate endlessly as you will have many things which most won’t know about.


A good time to bond with loved ones, especially with one particular couple. The Lovers card shows that this couple is indeed well put together. This is reflected in the Six of Wands which makes you feel you also have a steady and calm relationships with your significant other. It might be the best of things, but you wouldn’t want to rock the boat. There is also the presence of a person who has star like qualities.


Change, good times and travel are on the cards. The Tower shows some transformative changes that will influence the way you think and do things. It can get difficult and stressful, but it is for your ultimate good. The Three of Cups shows good times for you. There are meetings, gatherings and social dos that make you be out there. The Three of Cups can also indicate the existence of a third person in a bond such as marriage.


The Seven of Wands indicates the struggle you are going through when it comes to work and work-related issues. However, the Page of Wands shows you will take up something that is right up your alley and do well, also set new trends and chart new courses with your creativity and enthusiasm. Emotionally, this is a better time when you are feeling at peace with most things.


You are on top of things and very clear headed about what you want to do. This clarity has come now, and you are not about to ruin it by getting emotionally involved with others. The Knight of Swords shows someone like you, perhaps younger, with similar mindset who is equally driven to get what they want out of work and life. However, things are also set to change in a big way so be prepared.


Work, travel, and money management are the highlights of the week ahead. The Three of Wands shows movement around work. You could be making trips overseas. The Four of Pentacles shows that you could be having some reluctance in spending money. This can turn out to be a hectic few days with you carrying a lot of burden, in terms of goals and deadlines.


Through hard work, you have built up a good pile of savings as the Seven of Pentacles is indicating. Well-deserved rest comes post this as you can afford to relax a bit. The King of Swords shows that you are very sure about what you do, and also are in command of all things around you. This can also show the presence of a strong male energy who will be like a mentor. Do examine anything that comes your way.


Abundance and money are plenty in your life now. The Nine of Pentacles shows that this applies a lot more to women than men, and also that they tend to be nurturing and place the money where it is needed most. The Two of Wands shows journeys and trips that need not be regarding work. There could be water bodies where you are likely to travel. However, ensure you keep your feelings under control.


There is a time for solitude to understand yourself better, than be surrounded by the energies of others that can be draining. The Hermit shows that you could be doing things all on your own, and feeling a sense of loneliness. The Nine of Wands indicates a feeling of being stuck in situations where you don’t seem to have any control. Disturbed sleep is very likely at this time. Yet, you are good at keeping things under control.


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