Tarot: On the cards
This week are some simple remedies. Try them out to test its efficacy.;

Though you are strong, there are moments when you get bogged down by your feelings. The Queen of Cups shows that you sometimes struggle to keep your head above waters – there is worry and anxiety. If it is about money, there is plenty out there and you are likely to feel the lack of it as the Ace of Pentacles indicates. For all this to settle, it could take about four to five months
You are in the battle mode. The Knight of Wands shows this aspect. You are willing to fight your children’s battles too, and that will take up a lot of time. And the Five of Swords indicates that you could be a bit aggressive when it comes to doing things your way. The good part is that the youngsters you are fighting battles for are very capable and will forge ahead regardless.
You are doing plenty of charity and other good things yet you are having troubled times? The Six of Pentacles says that as you do the right things, your life is vibrating at higher level and therefore those who do not serve the purpose will be dropping off. You might wonder why suddenly someone is no longer in your life- accept it as something really good as the Death card suggests.
This is a time when you are feeling more in control over situations, people and also over your own goals. The King of Wands indicates the presence of a strong male energy, who is also thinking like in these matters. The Three of Wands shows a lot of work to be done when it comes to collaborations and connections. Basically, this is a good time to take control over what you thought you did not have.
Right now, there is an atmosphere of happy family life. The Four of Wands suggests there are joyous occasions to enhance the family fervor. The Five of Wands shows that you could slip into bad moods and allow that to reflect in the dealings with those close to you. A lot of things can be solved by ignoring what people say. There is also travel and loved ones coming or going overseas.
You need to introspect on what you are doing to be successful as you dream. Are you associating with those who don’t like you or are envious? Then it is time to drop them. The Judgement card tells you not to exchange energies with such people. The Chariot therefore is coming to tell you that this is the way things will work out for you in the long run. Success is then assured.
You are very clever and decisive when it comes to what you want. You think more with your head than heart and therefore make sensible choices when it comes to work and personal relationships. The Two of Cups shows great emotional balance and ease with your significant other and this will continue as you make happy compromises and adjustments for the one you truly love and care. Your generosity right now is unparallel.
You are on good side if you don’t have unrealistic expectations from people and situations. The Seven of Cups promises many material benefits. But if you expect too much, then that is not likely to happen. The Six of Cups, however, shows that you are well appreciated for all that you do. In your world, this is great achievement. You are also feeling much more at peace with yourself now.
It is a week full of money and all matters related to wealth and acquisition. The Ten of Pentacles shows money earned, received and obtained from family sources. But the Two of Pentacles indicates you are debating on what you should spend the surplus on or you have a mentality of lack and fear. Money will always be there. It is okay to spend on yourself. Just don’t be stealthy about what you do.
Success is yours, provided you are able to keep all your emotions in check and respond to situations than react. The Ace of Cups shows that you are in for some good things as changes are coming. The Tower card says that these changes will push your limits and take you to greater heights. It could be tumultuous so keep your cool. Your ambitions and desires to win the race is strong and you will achieve your goals.
You will be involved with the activities of the younger lot in your life, and all that they do. The Six of Wands indicates that you will live your life through their vision and dreams. The Moon card indicates mood swings and out of character outbursts that bring in changes in the mindset at the slightest of comments or things being said by those around you. It is your sensitivity that is the issue, not people and what they say.
Vacillating between two options seems to be troubling. The Two of Swords shows that you are unable to make a decision on what and how to do, and The Hanged man suggests this is a tricky situation. Find solutions that are out of the box. These need not be done because you probably didn’t intend situations to play out the way it has. You might be tempted to take the bull by the horns but it is not time for that now.