Tarot: On the cards

Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week;

Update:2024-03-03 05:00 IST
Tarot: On the cards

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The week ahead is for creative ideas and looking ahead at collaborations especially overseas. The Page of Swords shows that there are ideas in motion that will bring forth passion and drive and things will come together for successful outcomes. The Page of Wands suggests complete attention to the work done and there is no looking back when it comes to growth. Your work will grow and do make the best of this good time.


Right now, you have so many ideas for work and work-related things. But, you must utilise this time to sort out and discover what is your core competence. There is no point in multitasking and not do justice to any of the great ideas you have. This is reflected in the Nine of Wands. The Queen of Swords also shows great clarity about your position, your status and your right to be like a leader. It is also time to be a bit carefree and explore the world.


The Page of Cups indicates new beginnings. It could do more with work related things as well as a emotionally balanced state of mind that will enable more productive things to take place. The Five of Pentacles tells you to think from a place of abundance. There is plenty and you need not worry about finances. When it comes to the children or the younger lot in the family, there is movement towards new areas that will open up.


Right now, you are doing well when it comes to work and the position you are in the field of your choice. You seem to be the first option for those seeking the work you do. The Ace of Wands shows that there is also passion and drive. The King of Pentacles indicates increased wealth and income, that makes life much easier. This card also shows abundance coming from family sources. All things are going in the right manner and path.


With the Death card coming, be prepared for some major changes in life and the lifestyle you are having currently. This is a card that brings in destruction of the old and the entry of the new. It will be uncomfortable, but you will realise that this was much needed to go to the next level. The Knight of Wands shows that the youngsters will be travelling for work in different areas and this could impact your life too.


Ace of Pentacles indicates abundance. This card also brings in new work and financial results. The Ace of Pentacles is also an indication for new directions and paths for increased prosperity. The Fool card shows that you could afford to feel carefree and explore the world without making impulsive decisions and this will add to your knowledge of the world. However, it is a time for introspection and taking stock.


Time for travel on work and look at new areas of development that will yield good income. The Knight of Pentacles shows that you will have good opportunities for work, making good money while you also have a fulfilling career. You will also be the most preferred person people will ask for. The Six of Swords suggests you are supported by your partner and you are happy to allow the flow of events. Sometimes you could feel lonely.


Ideas brewing in your head will take shape in about four to five months as the Four of Swords is indicating. This is also a time for things to put down good foundations. Meanwhile, the Queen of Pentacles shows your earning power with which you nurture others, including family and friends. While all this is makes you feel like running away- people’s situations seem to be getting to you. The best thing would be to ignore everything and carry on.


It would seem that the women in your life are ruling – perhaps a good thing because sometimes it is nicer to have someone make all the decisions. The Empress shows that there is the presence of a nurturing, lovely female energy in your life, who takes cares of everything, leaving you to your business. The Hierophant indicates that you are guided and led by a Master or a Guru, who takes care of your spiritual needs as well as your progress.


You will be much sought after for many things- ideas, emotional support, advice and generally for being the way you are. Young people will see your company for the kindness and empathy. Perhaps a good thing because major changes are coming for you, that will be transformative as The Tower card shows. You have to be prepared to let the old go. And that could be as simple as even changing residence. You will also be donating a lot of things.


It would appear that things are finally going the right way. The Chariot shows that all those involved in your life are all aligned the way you are doing things and there are no more rough edges. You are doing well. As long as your intention is good, you will keep going like this. The Knight of Cups shows the preoccupation with a youngster, who is important to you. Their journeys are important to you. Happy times and celebrations are ahead, so make the best of this time.


The Eight of Wands shows that you are ambitious and driven, work wise. Being talented and able to do many things simultaneously, add to your allure. However, doing too many things can lead to a burnout. The Three of Cups shows celebrations and gatherings ahead and you will have a good time with friends and family. There are likely to be new areas of work and money areas which you will explore. Surprisingly, you will do many things to further your fortunes.


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