Tarot: On the cards

As we have been seeing how switchwords can be really powerful- they can be a string of them put together or one word that can shift mindsets and enhance the creative power within you.

Update:2024-06-23 06:00 IST


One can feel alone in the midst of great riches. That is the paradox of the modern times when wealth is not really a substitute for happiness. That said, the Hermit card comes to point out this part of existence this week for you. And this also indicates that there is a feeling of handling things all on your own. The King of Pentacles shows the money and wealth part. You have the talent to be able to swing anything you choose.


This is indeed a learning phase. Practical lessons, formal classes and many things that add to your knowledge bank. The High Priestess shows that you are doing this voluntarily. Sometimes you could be taking on more than you bargained for, leading to conflicts, hostility and arguments – best is to allow people to have their views and ways of doing things. Through all this, you sense a feeling of being isolated by life. Do look at the good thing around too.


You could be going through some emotional turbulence at this time. You could be so caught up in these occurrences that you will not be able to see how things are working well for you too. That is the Temperance card that shows all this. The Two of Pentacles indicates hesitation and doubts about using money in a conservative manner. You will be in two minds about most things. Hydrate yourself and also be non-reactive to passing events.


The Knight of Swords shows how much you are struggling to get things done your way. Also, you look at everything as a battle to be won and the pressure you put on yourself is fairly enormous. The King of Swords indicates the important role played by a strong male energy in your life, where you draw a lot of inspiration from the way things are handled. There is a lot to learn and absorb from this person.


This is a phase where you are on top of things. The Nine of Pentacles shows how much power you wield financially and in the way you are the glue that holds thing together on the home front too. Also there is no one to counter your views and ways of doing things. The Page of Cups indicates new ventures – especially those of offsprings and younger people. This is a phase of exploration and experimentation.


Travel, journeys and new places are the highlights of the week ahead. The Three of Wands shows overseas connections. You will ideate about the work you do to make it more meaningful and impactful. The Judgement card indicates it is time to self-introspect about all that you do. What are the directions you need to take to be able to move to the next phase? All these need to be unemotional decisions, that will not impact your own emotions.


It is an emotionally draining phase where you will be overthinking and also going through poor sleep and frustrations in general. The Nine of Swords shows too much activity in the mind that makes you feel exhausted. The Hanged Man indicates there is a situation that needs a non-conservative solution. Creativity and ingenuity can help immensely. Meanwhile, on the work front, things are good and you are recognised as someone with great talent.


Work wise, this is one of the best times for most of you. The Ace of Wands shows leadership, direction and success in whatever you choose to take up. The passion and drive are high and pushes you out of your comfort zone and makes you explore areas that earlier you did not even look at. The Queen of Wands again is endorsing all these things by giving you authority and leadership qualities when it comes to your area of expertise and creativity.


The week seems all about partnerships and close associations with the significant other – could be spouse, partners and important people you deal with on a regular basis. The Two of Cups shows harmony and a lot of love if married or even in a steady relationship. And this is complemented by the journey together itself in a manner that neither wants to rock the boat in any way. The compromises are many, but this is what you want to do right now.


The Five of Swords shows that everything seems to be on an aggressive mode. It would allude to work, relationships and everything that you do even on a daily basis. While you do this, you could be coming across as someone who doesn't care about others feelings. The Eight of Cups then shows that you might want to run away from everything wondering why people do not like you. Right now, all you need is forbearance and treating things with gentleness.


Be ready to travel to distant places. Could be overseas or could be places around. The Two of Wands shows this part, and while it indicates physical travel, it could also end up being metaphorical. The Ten of Pentacles shows accumulated wealth and abundance that should be able to support your endeavours of anything you want to build in your life. But there is plenty of overthinking and frustrations about many things. Try to relax and deal with it all with equanimity.


The preoccupation is with youngsters and their activities. And that is the Page of Swords showing up to align with this part of life. It is about work and about ideas and progress of such people who impact your life in many ways. Then comes The Tower which shows major changes in your life and can be very unsettling. But this is needed for you to be able to rebuild from scratch and bring yourself to the next level. But you will emerge victorious.  


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