Tarot: On the cards

Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week.

Update:2024-08-11 07:00 IST


Challenges and changes are part of life and you are most likely to face them in the days ahead. While it may seem uncomfortable, these are for growth and it will be for your highest good. That is why acceptance of what comes in peace is the best way out. The Tower and The Hanged Man come to tell you to be prepared to get out of your comfort zone and come up with solutions that are out of the box.


The Knight of Cups suggests new areas and explorations when it comes to someone close to you and their aspirations. It could be work, enterprise or something not attempted before. There will be travel and there will be new experiences. The Star shows that you are the center of attraction and gathering a leader and visible persona as far as the world is concerned. Plus, you are also guided and helped by strong male energies that need not be merely physical.


It is a good time regardless of how you actually feel- if a perfectionist, then remember there is great beauty in imperfection to realise that life in all its colours is what makes it so great. The Wheel of Fortune tells you that what you have been expecting is coming around to align with your wishes. However, till all that happens, you will feel stuck and frustrated. And that is something that can thwart all the good things that are lining up for you.


Money will come through various channels and mostly it will be from those who are very strong in terms of social standing. The King of Pentacles shows that there is money flow reaching you, and this will help you further your career plans. The Ace of Wands shows success that you will be looking at, and that is also because of the financial support that you are receiving. There is also the birth of something new-could be a child or business.


This is the time when you have to think more with your head than heart. The Three of Swords asks you to think clearly, and do things that are not attached to strong emotions. Learn to let go of the smaller things to win the battle. The Chariot assures you that journeys made will be good and all things go the right way. Also this is a phase where you will learn about life lessons that cannot be found in a book.


There will be preoccupation with the younger lot of people in your life and their goals. What they achieve could be something you are very invested in. The Six of Wands shows new areas being conquered by such people and you also in journeys that are new. The Page of Swords shows pretty much the same thing and here, there is much more clarity where one is heading. However, there are so many choices that you will be finding it difficult to decide.


You will be enjoying the benefits of having quite a bit of financial gain. The Ten of Pentacles shows money flowing and has flowed in through family sources and your own efforts that make life so much easier. The Eight of Wands indicates a drive to do well in your career and there are several options that will make you emerge a winner. You are multitalented- but for the sake of energy saving pick one and do your absolute best in that.


Any major plan in your head is likely to take a couple of months to show up properly. The Four of Swords shows that there are plenty of creative things that you would like to lay out to the world, but it will take some time. The Nine of Pentacles shows financial stability, being on top of things and also being a nurturer and a leader. This is a good time for you when it comes to wealth and abundance.


The Knight of Wands suggests working on new areas when it comes to work-related things. You could be exploring new options and collaborations that will lead to the growth of what you do for a living. However, the Three of Pentacles shows that for everything to come to a physical form, it could take a few months more. It also says that you could be buying property, doing some renovations or moving to a new space. There are changes indicated ahead.


You are financially in good shape as you have a neat pile of savings and other investments that keep you in good stead. You don’t really lack anything at this point and this is because you have saved money aside for important things. The King of Cups indicates the strong and dominant presence of a male who is someone who provides great emotional stability and also leadership of some kind. You benefit from this association. You are supported in great ways.


Moving along with the dreams and endeavors of young people in your life gives you much happiness- and if you are in that age group, you can be assured that you will be on an explorative spree where you will see new things and work on new endeavors not attempted before. The Knight of Pentacles is an indication of this, and the Ace of Swords shows a razor-sharp mind that ensures success at every turn. There are major changes ahead.


The Knight of Pentacles indicates journeys to distant places on a money-making spree – or it could be something that involves young people and their lives too. This is a good time to understand the working of young minds. The Ace of Swords shows great directions about what one needs to do further. It also assures success and completion of plans made before. However, many things could undergo a change from your current scenario and life -it is for the good.


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