Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week.

Update:2024-09-01 08:00 IST


What a wonderful week ahead! Especially for a woman, the days ahead will be great for work and personal life. The Ace of Pentacles shows success for the work you do and also find yourself in a happy place when it comes to relationships with others in the workspace. The World Card shows the emotional fulfillment when things fall into place- literally the world seems to be at your feet. And by the end of the year all that you are planning will show results.


When it comes to finances, you tend to think twice before you spend. Ensure that you spend happily and with gratitude and you are never going to lack money. The Two of Pentacles shows this, and it also somewhat prevents you from travelling. However, the Three of Wands does show travel and that too overseas. There is good news on the youngsters front where new projects and directions are indicated. It could be a startup venture or a new project that is very exciting.


The Hierophant appears to tell you that things must be done the right way and not to sway to paths that seem convenient. The Guru card comes to tell you that you have the right intentions and will prosper. It also tells you that you are guarded and protected when you do things with the right intent. The Six of Wands shows new directions and spaces. You will be going on journeys that will bring work and opportunities that you never expected.


The Page of Cups indicates new beginnings when it comes to work and directions. This also means that the work you do will acquire new avenues and you will find yourself doing things you have not done before. The Ace of Wands ensures that there is success in the endeavors that you take up and the universe also supports you provided, your mindset is that of hope and positivity. Meanwhile the relationship aspects – especially that of important ones- are in a state of harmony.


Peace and goodwill in your primary relationships are indicated for this week. The Lovers card shows intimacy – not necessarily physical but in the way of communication. The Magician further fuels this good trend by assuring that everything is possible in your life and wish for it wholeheartedly. The Magician is also someone who can achieve anything you put your mind to. The presence of a strong male drives your life forward too.


Right now, you are on top of things. The Queen of Pentacles is giving you a heads-up on finances and the position you are in. The Queen is also someone who is not just a nurturing presence but also someone who gets what she wants. If that is you, then this week is good. The Six of Wands indicates a situation where you would go with the flow and chase your dreams. Your mind, however, is always restless despite good things.


The Queen of Wands assures that you are on top of things when it comes to work and reputation. You are the crowned leader when it comes to quality and finesse. Work is good. So just keep the passion and quality on track. The Ten of Cups shows happiness in personal life. There is plenty of love and also companionship. Also, new things come upon you now and this will also mean new directions and work opportunities coming.


You will be sought after for many things. People see that you can do a lot and are also talented. The Six of Cups shows you to be empathetic to elder people and you will do much to alleviate their difficulties and needs. The Ace of Cups indicates success and also a lot of emotional balance. The Ace also assures you new things that make you feel more fulfilled. Anything you are thinking of doing will take till next year.


The Universe has this way of bringing in plenty of opportunities, but you must have the vision to be able to see such gifts. The Four of Cups shows that sometimes you tend to overlook many things that come your way, thinking they may not be worth pursuing. The best is to examine everything and then take a call. The King of Pentacles assures financial security and abundance through family sources. Right now, you are in a good place emotionally.


There is ambition, drive and passion. There are several avenues to show your talents and capability but it would be wise to take one thing at a time. That is what the Eight of Wands is showing. On the personal front, you are in a good space with people and emotional quotient, as the Nine of Cups indicates. You are also being supported by your partner or spouse, making things comfortable and safe.


The Ten of Pentacles indicates abundance and plenty of money. You are in a comfortable space when it comes to financial stability. There is nothing that you need to worry about in the future. It is not just because of financial abundance but also because of the good feelings that come with it. The Five of Pentacles tells you to abandon the poverty mindset and live like a queen or king. And your world is a good place to be, so enjoy.


You are in a charitable state of mind– wanting to do good for others regardless of whether they acknowledge it or not. The Six of Pentacles is indicative of that. This attracts gratitude that you have been provided with from The Divine. This will enhance your feelings of well-being and happiness. The Four of Wands shows a happy family life. This week ahead seems to be a good one. Children, if any, will be on their path to achievement and work goals in an exemplary manner.


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