Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

This week, you are given some useful codes for money and protecting yourself from negative energies. They are easy to do and, if done with faith, can bring the results you seek.

Author :  Chitra Mahesh
Update: 2024-10-20 00:30 GMT


Things could get a bit hostile at work. There are likely to be arguments and disagreements galore if you decide to work things out in an aggressive manner. The Seven of Wands is an indication of this, while at home children and family will have a lot of love and light. There could be additions to the family. On the relationship front, things are on an even keel. Avoid rocking the boat no matter how boring things may appear to be.


Be calm and strong as circumstances are going in the right way. Strength is the card that comes up when the events of the week following come about. Keep your emotions and feelings under control for peace and harmony. The Justice card tells you that things are right and already decided, so what is the point of resistance? When it comes to ideas and work, try not to push in an aggressive manner. That is what you tend to do when cornered.


The Three of Cups shows celebrations and having good times with loved ones. Sometimes, these moments can feel forced and you may or may not feel them as much as you think you should. Don’t worry about it because having better feelings raises your vibrations. Meanwhile, if woman particularly, you will be on top of things financially. You support and nurture many around you and you are the glue that holds things together. You could have trouble deciding between two options.


While so many good things surround you, you may not be able to appreciate those. You will only concentrate on what is not there. The Five of Pentacles shows a poverty mindset that pushes all the things you want behind and delays them even. The Tower shows major changes ahead in all aspects of your life. Being caught in relationships that stifle you is your current situation. While there are good things, the primary feeling is of being bound by ropes. And that makes you helpless.


You could be sensing some kind of aggressive behaviour from people around you. This can be something that is in the environment and not a person. The youngsters in your life could also be facing situations that feel like they are going to a battle. The Knight of Wands certainly suggests that. So, in such circumstances, watching everything like a film would be the best response. Yet through all this, there is a certain happy family togetherness, that shines like the sun between the clouds.


So many things come your way, but you are unlikely to see them as good things. There is a certain victimhood feeling inside. The Four of Cups also displays a certain refusal to accept everything. The Hierophant, however, is there for you to look up to. The guides and angels are right behind you to do anything you ask. But you must ask. While you seem to have everything in your mind, you have nothing. This is the poverty mindset at play.


The King of Wands suggests power, support and guidance from sources that you look up to. Their inputs and ideas will spur you on to newer things and take charge of many situations. The Ten of Pentacles shows money power and more to come through family sources and inheritances. People close to you will be exploring new areas of work and creativity. You can also take some credit for helping them forge ahead with their desires and aspirations.


Drawing the World card, you are in a good space in all areas of your life. All that you have been working for, is here with you right now. You can pat your back for all the hard work and aspirations manifested. The Fool card tells you that you tend to play the fool. This can be an unconscious behaviour. So while it’s good to be carefree, do it with some amount of caution. That said, there is a sense of being isolated and being alone.


While you go about your work with energetic zeal, there are women in your life who are strongly opinionated and also the nurturers – so it’s best to accept their overpowering love and attention. The Knight of Pentacles shows new directions in the work life and you could be starting something new and explorative. The Queen of Pentacles indicates how the money power is being monitored by the strong women mentioned earlier. There is much clarity about what you want to do and how you want to do things.


The week ahead is all about ambitions, creativity and work-related things. The Eight of Wands shows increased attention to work and its progress. It also indicates multitasking and the zeal to handle everything. The Two of Pentacles indicates the care or reluctance to spend. You think twice about it and it can be a bit annoying to those around you. Meanwhile, on the marriage or personal front, you might not be too enthusiastic about it, but you would rather not rock the boat.


On the personal front, marriage and relationships, the days ahead are good. The Devil card shows that while there is comfort in the routine, it also indicates a sense of being bound with those you have cared for, for a long time. Nothing wrong with that. The Three of Swords indicates a clear-thinking person who puts logic above emotions. Some opportunities present themselves to you, but you either don’t see them or don’t think they are worth pursuing.


Right now, the atmosphere with your loved one is good. The Two of Cups shows fulfilment, somewhat contended and also a fairly harmonious time with your significant other. It does not get better than this. The Queen of Wands indicates increased power and command over situations and definitely over careers and goals associated with them. It also shows how you tend to dominate conversations. You tend to be logical and practical when it comes to understanding people and life. 


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