Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed

However, knowing the mind, there are many things that also bother you and it is your responsibility to keep those emotions under tight control so that it does not mar the happy scenario.

Author :  Chitra Mahesh
Update:2024-11-24 08:00 IST


Drawing the Ten of Cups indicates a happy family life now and with all the pleasantness and companionship one expects from those closest to them. There is a lot of togetherness in this period. The Chariot indicates that everything you are thinking of is moving in the right direction. However, knowing the mind, there are many things that also bother you and it is your responsibility to keep those emotions under tight control so that it does not mar the happy scenario.


You are multitalented and a very creative person as per the Eight of Wands. It indicates the personality of someone who can do just about anything and that too well. Just knowing you are talented and creative are not enough. Take action at least in some areas that you are confident about. The Lovers card shows increased and a happy interaction with a loved one. It could also be that those close to you are in a happy relationship.


Money is not something you need to worry about because there is plenty through your own work, family inheritances and many other sources that you have been wise enough to invest in. The Ten of Pentacles shows money power and abundance. Changes are in the air, especially with the Saturn retrograde coming to an end, and the transition can be a bit overwhelming but in a good way. You are guided by the Higher Forces especially through ancestral and forefathers’ blessings.


Good times can be looked forward to as you celebrate and have memorable moments with family and friends. Right now, there is much for you to feel cheerful about with breakthroughs opening up in terms of work opportunities. The Three of Cups also shows you to be in a better place emotionally. Yet there are moments when you feel like you are tied down to things that you have no control over. The Eight of Swords shows second guessing yourself all the time.


Experiences are learning opportunities and that is what is happening with you right now. Everyday there is something that adds to your knowledge and that in itself is empowering in ways that is not completely known to you. The High Priestess shows that you are in that phase right now, and there is much to gain from all things you go through. The Page of Pentacles shows preoccupation with your children if any, or any other youngsters who mean a lot to you.


For your strong will and determination, you could not be managing all that you do. The seven of wands shows you being at odds with your work and all that surrounds it. It does not mean you are not good at your work, but there are difficulties that you have to deal with. The Ten of Wands again indicates too many things going on and you could be feeling overwhelmed too. Multitasking sometimes can be the most painful thing to deal with.


The Two of Swords shows options you need to choose from. Or it could be that you are undecided about two important aspects of your life and do not know how it will all pan out. There is a bit of an emotional strain too, but not large enough from keeping you in a happy state of mind. This is the temperance card indicating. As long as you keep your negative emotions under control, you will find no need to be overwhelmed.


The Sun card indicates joy from children and those who are important to you. There could be new additions to the family soon and that could make life more meaningful. The King of Wands shows the presence of a strong individual who will be the guiding force for you. All this does not reduce the frustration and feeling stuck keeps cropping in your mind. You are raring to go, but something keeps you from going all out to achieve.


This is a good week ahead with you being in the limelight for the right reasons. The Star card shows you to be the person who is the driving force behind ventures deemed successful. You will be the acknowledged leader of the area of your competence and that is something you have been wanting for a while now. The Queen of Wands indicates the presence of a strong woman in your life which is your silent driving force.


Time is such that you feel like running away from people and situations. You are unable to deal with the many things going on around you. You could also be getting headaches and now is when you would like to escape from it all. This is also the Seven of Swords telling you this. The Tower indicates changes coming your way. This is the destruction of the old to bring in the new and this can be an unsettling time.


Being on top of things is what you are experiencing right now. It’s a pleasant phase where you do what you want with no one to comment or tell you what you should do. The Queen of Pentacles shows strength, abundance and money power. You sit on the throne confidently knowing that things are in control. The Two of Cups also shows an amicable and peaceful togetherness with the spouse or partner and it is a time for companionship and friendship.


Whatever you are thinking of will take about four months to show results. Also, you are in the transition phase and things take time to show the results of the work put in. This the Four of Swords where ideas and plans are just going on to a hopefully good end. The Six of Cups shows that you are sought after and you also do a lot of good, especially to the elderly people. You also enjoy their company.


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