Tarot: Unlocking divine messages; spiritual significance of angel numbers revealed
Our Tarot reader brings you what the stars have in store for your zodiac signs this week;

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All the ideas and hard work you have done, and are doing, will pay off as you are on the right track. The Five of Swords shows you are going about it rather aggressively, and perhaps, you feel that is the way to go about getting results. It also shows that while you are that way, others may feel hurt or irritated and not likely to endear yourself to them. You will get results by being clear and bold in your approach.
Right now, what you need is strength and patience. And that is the card that has emerged telling you what you need to do under annoying situations. This card also asks you to have forbearance for what you cannot control and keep it going your way. The Devil card comes to show you how two people can live in peace even if things are boring and mundane. The relationship between two people might seem claustrophobic sometimes, but it is a good bond.
This is a bit of a tough time when you feel everything is at a standstill. Nothing seems to be moving and you feel you are controlled by a force that wants you to sit quiet. The Ten of Swords shows that there is frustration, but there is not much you can do. Temperance is also another card with the similar message where you need to keep your emotions under control, or it could overwhelm you to the point of being unhappy.
On the one hand, you are being called by people for many things, and on the other, only you know what you are going through. Times are so turbulent that you don’t know what is coming next. The Six of Cups shows that you remain a regarded person who can do many things for them- but at the same time, you are pushing yourself not to be pressured. There are expectations which you find overwhelming, but try to fulfil them nevertheless.
The Ace of Wands indicates increased attention to work and a deep desire to do as much as possible to remain at the top. You are also supported by the universe that keeps you getting all the right breaks and opportunities to prove how good you are at what you do. The Page of Cups shows something new is coming up by way of a project, a collaboration or some direction not tried before. Power on to see where it takes you.
It is great when many things align with your deep desires. The Ace of Swords, and the Ace of Pentacles, both are cards that support your ambitions and need to be known- well known- for what you do. The Ace of Swords shows great clarity in the goals and outcomes, while the Ace of Pentacles shows money power and rewards for the work you do. Both are in support of your ventures- so make the best of this time.
Thanks to the support of someone strong- you are in a good place because this support and input are invaluable when it comes to work situations. The King of Wands is indicative of this, and while you are being supported, thus the Queen of Cups shows someone who is emotional and being overwhelmed by things around. It is good if you can be a bit detached from people and situations. There is a fresh way forward for you to get to a new project.
Right now, the relationship between you and your significant other is good and harmonious. Both are in sync with shared goals and targets which makes everything being conducted in a peaceful manner as the Lovers card is showing. The Three of Pentacles indicates a move, renovation or buying of new property which will enhance your life. It could also mean that if there are plans for anything, it will take about three to four months to show up.
This week is about the money power you wield. The King of Pentacles shows that not only is there family money, but also money earned by the work you do. You are also connected to someone senior who guides you to make good decisions. The Knight of Wands is indicative of youthful thinking or you yourself being a youngster getting things done in the best possible manner. There is a deep desire to be the best in the areas of your competence.
This could be a week dominated by the presence of strong individuals who impact you deeply. The King of Cups and The Emperor are representative of the kind of people you are associating with, who not just support you strongly, but are also leaders where their inputs are invaluable and important. The King of Cups kind of person teaches you emotional balance, while The Emperor is the strong force behind your success. Both are present in a good way.
It could be a week where there is a difference of opinion and hostile behavior on the part of those around you. The seven of wands shows that you are in the midst of some acrimonious situations and you find it hard to keep your temper in check. This is just one of the things. The Four of Pentacles indicate careful spending. This is not to say you don’t have enough- just that you don't believe in frivolities. You are on top of things.
The nine of cups shows that life is going on in a good manner with few pin pricks that you can easily handle. You are basically happy and somewhat content with the goings, and this is the pleasant part of your daily life. The Sun Card comes to tell you that if there are children, then they are doing well and shining bright. There could also be additions to the family or new beings that come into your life soon.