Advancements in Pathology are improving diagnostics, discuss experts

A two-day conference and continuing Medical Education programme on Recent Advances in Pathology at Stanley Medical College and Hospital on Friday and Saturday highlighted the role of advancements in Pathology.;

Update:2024-04-07 13:07 IST
Advancements in Pathology are improving diagnostics, discuss experts

Pentahead Microscope useful for diagnosis and group teaching

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CHENNAI: Pathology being the foundation of evidence based medicine provides scientific proof of disease processes and thereby plays a significant role in treatment decisions.

A two-day conference and continuing Medical Education programme on Recent Advances in Pathology at Stanley Medical College and Hospital on Friday and Saturday highlighted the role of advancements in Pathology.

More than 50 senior faculty members from all over Tamil Nadu and Pondichery were the speakers and chairpersons for the CME.

More than 200 delegates participated in the programme. The interactive sessions discussed the current newer diagnostic modalities including molecular techniques like Next Generation sequencing, Flourescent in-situ Hybridisation, Flow Cytometry, role of Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence.

Through the interactive sessions the faculty members shared their expertise, and experiences on their approach insights and clinical experiences.

The role of Artificial Intelligence in interpretation of pathological reports and data was also discussed. The pathologists need to upgrade their knowledge and skills to understand and interpret the information.

Dr Nalli Sumithra, head of department of Pathology stated that the clinical pathology lab at Stanley Medical College and Hospital is equipped with 10 automated cell counters, 2 fully automated coagulation analyzers, an Immunohistochemistry lab offering 75 markers for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The cryostat helps to provide on table diagnosis in deciding surgical options and provides round the clock diagnostic services at the hospital.

Department of Pathology, Stanley Medical College is equipped with state of art laboratories renders excellent and advanced diagnostic services.

Stanley stands as the second Government Institution Laboratory in the state to get National Accreditation Board for testing and calibration Laboratories (NABL) accreditation for Histopathology and Cytology.


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