Ideas to keep your home cool without air conditioning in summers

Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights that produce less heat and are more efficient, helping to reduce both heat output and energy consumption.

Update:2023-06-05 22:45 IST

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NEW DELHI: Although air conditioning is the most common method for quickly cooling a room, not every home has a central AC system. So, what should an environmentally conscious, money-conscious sleeper do? When air conditioning is unavailable, it can be difficult to stay cool in the scorching summer heat. During the hot summer months, not having an air conditioner or reducing its use can be difficult. However, there are a number of alternatives to using air conditioning to keep your home cool. Here are some ideas to keep your home cool without air conditioning in summer.

Minimize Heat-Generating Appliances

Identify and reduce the use of appliances that generate heat, like ovens, stoves, clothes dryers, and dishwashers. Consider using them in the early morning or late evening when temperatures are lower. Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient LED lights that produce less heat and are more efficient, helping to reduce both heat output and energy consumption. Also, turn off unnecessary lights when not in use.

Closing the curtains

Closing the curtains during the day and using dark or blackout curtains is indeed a great strategy to block direct sunlight. Dark or blackout curtains are particularly effective because they have a higher ability to absorb or reflect sunlight. This insulation helps to maintain a more stable temperature in your room and prevents heat from infiltrating the space.

Opening windows at night

By opening the windows at night you allow the cool air to enter your room and circulate throughout your home. This natural ventilation helps to lower the temperature and create a more comfortable environment for sleep. This allows fresh air to flow in and hot air to escape, creating a cooling effect. It can expel hot air that may have accumulated during cooking or from appliances.

Egyptian method

Also known as the "Egyptian cotton sheet method," is a simple and cost-effective way to cool down in summer. For this, Take a cotton sheet and dampen it with cool water. Make sure the sheet is moist but not dripping wet. Spread the damp sheet over your bed and position a fan near your bed, facing towards you. This will help enhance the evaporative cooling effect of the damp sheet. As the moisture from the sheet evaporates, it creates a cooling effect.

Cool Shower

Take a cool shower to lower your body temperature. A refreshing cool shower can help you reduce sweating. It's important to consider that if you're coming from a hot environment, allow your body to cool down a bit before taking a cold shower. Combining a cool shower with other cooling strategies, such as using fans, and wearing breathable clothing can help you effectively beat the heat and stay comfortable during hot weather.


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