Must raise voice against bonded labour: Minister C V Ganesan
The NGOs have been playing a crucial role in the eradication of the bonded labour system, he said, and added that the law enforcing agencies have been operating in coordination with the line departments to rescue and rehabilitate the victims.;

Representative image. (illustration by Saai)
CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Minister for Labour C V Ganesan on Friday said that every individual in the society should raise their voice against bondage and the bonded labour system to free the State from this evil practice, which was abolished following an Act passed in the year 1976.
“Poverty is the primary reason that led the victims into bondage. The State government has been taking several measures to end this evil practice and free the state from a bonded labour system by 2030. The government has also designed and implemented various schemes to empower marginalised sections of the society, particularly women, to empower them,“ said the Minister after taking a pledge against the bonded labour system on the occasion of the Bonded Labour System Abolition Day, which has been observed on February 9 since 2020.
The NGOs have been playing a crucial role in the eradication of the bonded labour system, he said, and added that the law enforcing agencies have been operating in coordination with the line departments to rescue and rehabilitate the victims.
This year, the government rescued a total of 188 bonded labourers from across the State and they have been extended financial assistance as part of the rehabilitation programme.