Total banking transactions at GIFT IFSC reach USD 508 billion by July 2023
GIFT IFSC Executive Director Dipesh Shah said that till July 2023, the total banking asset size at GIFT IFSC stood at USD 41.20 billion.
GANDHINAGAR: Total banking transactions at GIFT International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) here reached USD 508 billion till July 2023, an official said on Tuesday.
GIFT IFSC Executive Director Dipesh Shah said that till July 2023, the total banking asset size at GIFT IFSC stood at USD 41.20 billion, and cumulative derivative transactions booked by banks were worth USD 632 billion.
There were a total of over 545 IFSCA registered entities at GIFT IFSC till July 2023, including 25 aircraft and shipping entities, and monthly turnover on the IFSC international stock exchange in July 2023 was USD 60.33 billion. Total commitments made to alternative investment funds till July 2023 was at USD 17.8 billion, he said.