Chennai - Kuala Lumpur flight makes emergency landing after techincal snag

The Malaysian Airlines flight departed with 146 passengers from the Chennai airport on Wednesday midnight.

Author :  Online Desk
Update:2024-11-21 19:38 IST

Malaysian Airlines flight

CHENNAI: The Chennai-Malaysia flight made an emergency landing in Chennai after the pilot noticed a technical snag minutes after the take-off on Thursday.

The Malaysian Airlines flight departed with 146 passengers from the Chennai airport on Wednesday midnight.

When the flight was midair the pilot noticed a technical issue in the aircraft and it would be risky to operate the flight further.

Soon he alerted the Chennai ATC and sought permission for an emergency landing.

Later the flight landed in the Chennai airport at 2.30 am and the passengers were made to stay in the waiting hall.

Initially, the passengers were informed that the flight would depart in a couple of hours but since the fault could not be rectified the airline announced that the flight was cancelled.

The 80 passengers who requested the airline to arrange for an alternative were sent to Kuala Lumpur on other flights from Chennai.

The remaining passengers were made to stay in hotels in Chennai and they would depart to Malaysia on Friday early morning.


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