Tamil Nadu: School working days reduced by 10 this academic year

Every academic year has 210 working days, but this year, the calendar showed that they had 220 days;

Update:2024-09-12 05:00 IST
Tamil Nadu: School working days reduced by 10 this academic year
Representative Image of school students
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CHENNAI: Accepting the request from the government teachers’ welfare associations, the School Education Department reduced the working days by 10 in the current 2024-25 academic year. The department released the revised calendar for students and parents on Tuesday.

Usually, every academic year has 210 working days, but this year, the calendar showed that they had 220 days.

Hence, two welfare associations requested Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi to reduce the number of working days for the current year, after which the days were reduced. However, speaking to DT Next, teachers claimed that the northeast monsoon could lead to holidays, which could have been compensated with Saturday classes.

Meanwhile, the department has released the timetable for quarterly exams for classes 6-10 to be held from September 20-27. The exam will begin with Tamil language paper, followed by physical education on September 21, English on September 23, optional language the next day, mathematics on September 25, science on September 26 and social science on September 27.

Quarterly exam timetable (Classes 6-10)

Tamil – September 20

Physical education – September 21

English – September 23

Optional language – September 24

Mathematics – September 25

Science – September 26

Social science – September 27 


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