AM Jain, IEA hold one-day meet on farmers’ income
The conference served as a platform to illuminate strategies and transformative actions initiated by both Central and State Governments.;

AM Jain College
CHENNAI: AM Jain College, Post-Graduate and Research Department of Economics in association with the Indian Economic Association (IEA) organised a one-day National Conference on ‘Doubling of Farmers’ Income: Myth or Reality’.
Professor Adya Prasad Pandey, the Conference President of the Indian Economic Association was the chief guest of the conference which explored various dimensions of the pivotal goal of doubling farmers’ income. The resource persons for the conference were Dr Manjula Menon, Professor, Azim Premji University, Bangalore, and Dr Remmiya Rajan (Joint Secretary of IEA, Southern Region) Assistant Professor, Zamorin’s Guruvayurappan College, Kozhikode.
The Conference witnessed 66 research papers by eminent economics professors and research scholars from other colleges and universities across the nation, presented on the above topic. The conference served as a platform to illuminate strategies and transformative actions initiated by both Central and State Governments.