As schools reopen and learning begins, here are 6 ways to help your child study better

Study routine to making a conducive learning environment at home, here are a few, simple tips to ensure children stay enthusiastic and motivated to do well academically.

Update: 2024-06-20 13:00 GMT

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CHENNAI: It’s that time of the year again when classrooms are abuzz and learning is in the air. Students soak in new knowledge and try to remember it all, nervous about impending tests and assessments. Here is where parents can step in and help their children study better and reduce stress. From creating a study routine to making a conducive learning environment at home, here are a few, simple tips to ensure children stay enthusiastic and motivated to do well academically.

Establish a routine:

Maintaining a consistent routine can go a long way in making study hours count. Make a balanced, realistic schedule for your child to help manage their time well. Scheduling regular breaks for food and minimal screen-based activity will not only alleviate stress but also help your child to stay motivated.

Create a study-friendly environment:

Environments matter. The space a child studies and works in should be sensorily comfortable, peaceful, well-lit, and devoid of distractions such as television sets, mobile phones, and loud noises. Also, keep books, stationery and other learning aids on hand. Research says that studying in the same specific place can enhance memory  the smells, sights, and sounds of the environment all act as cues to remember the information studied.

Practise active learning:

Instead of making your child passively read the same information multiple times, encourage them to do active learning. It's not only far more efficient for learning but also quite fun. This includes summarising what one reads, asking questions, discussing with peers or family members about a topic, and teaching someone else what has been learned. Using flashcards, a white board, a mind map, and quizzes is proven to boost comprehension and retention of information.

Get involved and show interest:

Parents involvement in childrens day to day learning progress can greatly stimulate and inspire them. Find time every day for a conversation about what they were taught in school. Be interested and curious about the aspects they enjoyed and what they found challenging. Also be present at parent-teacher meetings, check homework assignments, and take part in their school events or projects.

Give emotional support:

There is always academic pressure, which affects children causing stress and anxiety. You could be there for them as a source of emotional support: listen to how they feel, give them support on managing their study loads, teach them relaxation techniques like breathing deeply and being mindful, celebrate their little achievements, and guide them to view difficulties as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles.

Encourage a healthy lifestyle:

A healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with academic success. Ensure your child gets adequate nighttime sleep as rest is crucial for cognitive functions and overall well-being. Limiting screen time especially before bed can help improve sleep. Balanced and nutritious meals fuel the brain and body. Physical activity and outdoor play should be encouraged to keep children active and fit.


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