Contaminated water irks residents of Korattur

When contacted a senior CMWSSB official said, "We are carrying out the work to identify if there is any pipeline damaged from the distribution station. The issue will be resolved at the earliest.";

Update:2024-02-25 19:26 IST
Contaminated water irks residents of Korattur

Residents have closed the sump valve to stop the pipeline water supply to the houses.

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CHENNAI: Residents of TVS Nagar East in Korattur have been struggling with contaminated pipeline water supplied by the Metro Water Board for the last two weeks. 

Repeated complaints to Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board (CMWSSB) to resolve the water issue in the locality have fallen in deaf ears, denizens rued.

"Contaminated water supply is the frequent issue in our area for more than two years. At least once in three to four months we are facing and spending huge amounts to clean the sump and overhead tank and dewatering. The pipeline metro water is contaminated, and there is no skilled manpower to resolve the issue," said K R Kannan, a resident of TVS Nagar East, Kandigai Street.

"Since the pipeline water is contaminated, residents purchase water supplied through tanker lorries by the Metro Water Board. They pay Rs 1,000 for water supply once in every four days. Despite getting drinking water supplied through the pipeline by paying tax money we are forced to get from tanker lorries," residents lamented.

When the residents checked the water quality in the sump where foul smell and water had been contaminated. The majority of the residential buildings in the area experienced the same problem, so the residents have closed the sump valve to stop the pipeline water supply to the houses.

"Whenever a complaint is raised to the concerned department only temporary work has been carried out. They failed to identify the root cause of the issue and resolve it permanently. We urge the civic authorities to take permanent action to avoid such issues and check the quality frequently. Also, flushing the line at various places by constructing the chamber instead of digging every time," stated another resident.

When contacted a senior CMWSSB official said, "We are carrying out the work to identify if there is any pipeline damaged from the distribution station. The issue will be resolved at the earliest."


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