Female inmate dies by suicide in Puzhal prison

The deceased was identified as T Gandhimathi. She was first arrested by the Velachery police nine years ago when she assaulted a Television dubbing artist.;

Update:2023-10-22 22:00 IST

Puzhal central prison

CHENNAI: A 65 year old female inmate at Puzhal prison died by suicide on Saturday night allegedly depressed over her family members not coming forward with bail bond and surety for her bail.

The deceased was identified as T Gandhimathi. She was first arrested by the Velachery police nine years ago when she assaulted a Television dubbing artist and escaped with jewelry and cash from the house in Velachery. She was working as a domestic help then, police said.

After release on bail in that case, she escaped custody and was living in hiding.

While the accused went absconding, Velachery police had collected fingerprints from the scene and were on the lookout for her. Velachery police had requested the fingerprint wing to compare the prints with any known offenders and accused.

The fingerprints matched with Gandhimathi who was arrested in a murder for gain case by Jeeyapuram police. After confirming Gandhi's involvement in the theft case in Velachery too, City Police arrested her again.

Meanwhile, Gandhimathi who had applied for bail through Legal aid and she was granted bail recently.

However, since bail bonds and sureties are required, Gandhimathi had hoped that some of her family members would pitch in, but nobody turned up, because of which she was depressed, police sources said. She was found dead in the prison bathroom on Saturday night.

Further investigations are on.


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