Relay of roads as part of Formula racing circuit

Swami Sivananda Road, Kamaraj Road (from Napier Bridge to Island ground, Kodimarachalai, Annasalai) for the replacement of roads and footpaths, removal of roadblocks;

Update:2023-11-29 20:10 IST
Relay of roads as part of Formula racing circuit

Chennai Corporation

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CHENNAI: Chennai Corporation council on Wednesday passed a resolution to relay the roads on war footing as part of the Formula racing event proposed next month.

The roads will be the new circuits facilitating the race for the high end cars and the council gave the administrative approval to develop the roads at a cost of Rs 7.40 crores. A letter was sent to the Tamil Nadu Sports Commission on 08.11.2023 regarding the fund.

Swami Sivananda Road, Kamaraj Road (from Napier Bridge to Island ground, Kodimarachalai, Annasalai) for the replacement of roads and footpaths, removal of roadblocks.

The holding of the Chennai Formula Racing Circuit and Indian Race festival will support the development of the automotive sector, encourage community involvement and patriotism, nurture young talent, promote infrastructure advancement, promote gender equality, and expand Tamil Nadu's reputation internationally.

Chennai will be hosting the formula racing circuit 2023 on December 9 and 10. It will be conducted as a night race (Street circuit) on the 3.5km perimeter around the Island grounds, Chennai. The contractors must complete the work by 7th December, 2023.


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