Tarot: On the cards

The repetition of a specificn angel number amplifies its influence, emphasizing the importance of the message it carries. Examples are 111, 222, 444.

Update:2023-11-26 08:33 IST

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Most things are in place as of now. All that you are doing is going in the right direction. The Wheel of Fortune indicates an upswing in things. Your effortsand prayers for success are answered now. The Knight of Wands shows that you are invested in a youngster (could be child) and all his work and desires will lead to success. Two things or projects will come forward and you have to choose carefully.

TAURAS (20 April - 21 May)

The work and directions taken by those close to you will be the preoccupation this week. All your wishes and prayers will be for such people to succeed and attain good position in work. The Page of Wands shows this aspect and you can be reassured that they will do well. The Ten of Cups indicates a happy family phase where most members are feeling fulfilled. This is a peaceful time so enjoy it.

GEMINI (21 May - 21 June)

This week shows your great strength and power of the mind in facing and tackling challenges. The Queen of Swords shows that you come out with lying colours through all the difficult times. The Three of Pentacles indicates rebuilding of priorities, house, living spaces or anything that requires rebuilding. Here is where all your hidden talents will emerge as they have been for a while now.

CANCER (21 June - 23 July)

The Empress shows that you are pretty much in control of what you take care of. You are helping many within your ambit. There is growth, prosperity and abundance. There could be additions to the family. However, you will need to keep your cool and patience and not hurry for things to show up instantly. There should be forbearance when it comes to accepting what comes your way. There is travel or oversees collaborations.

LEO (23 July - 23 August)

Emotional fulfuillment happens when you least expect it. The Ace of Cups shows that you are in a place where things are proceeding smoothly. It also indicates that you have self-control when it comes to responses. The Three of Swords shows that you think before you say anything to anyone. You are also fortunate to have the presence of a strong male who is very clear about what directions to take.

VIRGO (23 August - 23 September)

Good times, friendships and gatherings are the order in the upcoming days. You are doing many things with your cherished circle. The Three of Cups shows this. The Eight of Wands suggests passion, drive and hard work to gain success. You have many talents and you are putting them all to use to ensure that you get the name you deserve. Youngsters, who seem to know how to move forward, are propelling your ambitions.

LIBRA (23 September - 23 October)

You seem to be in a good place in terms of ambitions, abundance and doing things well. In short you are in control of things. The Nine of Pentacles shows great potential for making good money. The Ace of Pentacles brings great relief when it comes to monetary benefits which are likely to be substantial. The time is right for you to explore new areas. Meanwhile, a significant person in your life will also forge ahead doing well.

SCORPIO (23 October - 22 November)

The King of Cups shows that there is a person who keeps you emotionally fulfilled and safe. This will help you to go about your work without having to worry about the mundane things around you. And the Four of Swords shows that any ideas or creative ventures you are thinking about will fructify in about four months. This is the gestation period when you will be prepping for the grand finale. You are in a position to do anything you put your mind to.

SAGITTARIUS (22 November - 22 December)

You are in command of situations and people at work. The King of Wands shows a commanding position. It also points out to great ambition that is quietly internalised and used whenever needed. Money wise there is abundance, but if you constantly feel it is not enough, then you are experiencing lack. This is indicated by the Five of Pentacles. Think prosperity always and you will find that you will never run out of money or wealth.

CAPRICORN (22 December - 20 January)

The Page of Swords indicates a lot of activity around you, particularly if you are in the younger age group. But it is about a lot of things happening which is not only productive, but the output of a creative mind. The Page is also someone who drives things forward boldly and this is what is needed to progress in your line of work. That said, do not have unrealistic expectations of people and situations. On the home front there is happiness.

AQUARIUS (20 January - 18 February)

This is a time you wish to be carefree about your life, but you are being restricted. However much you want to abandon things and go on that explorative journey, now is not the time. The Fool card tells you to let go and enjoy what is being presented to you by way of life unfolding. The Moon card brings about some mood swings and that can make you feel up and down. You have the company of a strong dominating male in your life which has pluses and minuses.

PISCES (18 February - 20 March)

Dominating males are around you and you could be one of them too. The Emperor shows that this is a controlling aspect in your life and either you like to keep a tight rein on what is going around, or you are under the influence of someone like that. The King also shows you the way should you falter. The Lovers shows that important relationships are going well and there is a lot of togetherness, harmony and companionship. Things are going in the right direction and you are guided by forces above.


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