Trains originating from Chennai Central cancelled: check details

Trains originating from Dr.MGR Chennai Central on 4th Dec, are cancelled.;

Update:2023-12-04 08:46 IST
Trains originating from Chennai Central cancelled: check details

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CHENNAI: In view of water flowing above danger level, the bridge no.14 between Basin bridge and Vyasarpadi has been suspended on account of safety reasons.

As a result, the following trains originating from Dr.MGR Chennai Central on 4th Dec, are cancelled.

1. Train no: 12007 Dr.MGR Chennai Central - Mysuru Shatabti Express scheduled to depart at 06:00 hours

2. Train no: 12675 Dr.MGR Chennai Central - Coimbatore Kovai Express scheduled to depart at 06:10 hours

3. Train no:12243 Dr.MGR Chennai Central- Coimbatore Shatabti Exprrss scheduled to depart at 07:10 hours

4. Train no: 22625 Dr.MGR Chennai Central - KSR Bengaluru AC Double Decker Express scheduled to depart at 07:25 hours

5. Train no: 12639 Dr.MGR Chennai Central - KSR Bengaluru Brindavan Express scheduled to depart at 07:40 hours

6. Train no: 16057 Dr.MGR Chennai Central- Tirupati Sapthagiri Express scheduled to depart at 06:25 hours

On account of cancellation of the above trains, full refund shall be granted to all passengers of the above trains.


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