Young bird enthusiast takes a stand for Chennai’s sparrows
Recently, the young kid came across an article. highlighting the concerning decline in the sparrow population in Chennai.;

Children distributing sparrow homes to the residents of Kottivakkam Kuppam.
CHENNAI: Abdul Musawwir Syed, a passionate bird enthusiast. and a student in the sixth grade has developed a deep love for bird watching, particularly sparrows. Recently, the young kid came across an article. highlighting the concerning decline in the sparrow population in Chennai. Motivated to make a positive impact, he reached out to Hafiz Khan, an eco-warrior, for guidance and support.
Together with his school friends from SunnySide Learning and NCC S.I.V.E.T, Abdul initiated a sparrow conservation project. “Our first step was to distribute 100 sparrow homes to the residents of Kottivakkam Kuppam in ECR, an area known for its significant sparrow population. We are planning to establish 10,000 sparrow homes, transforming the region into a flourishing sanctuary, and an attraction for visitors interested in avian conservation. Additionally, we have collected the mobile numbers of interested participants to facilitate ongoing monitoring of the sparrow population,” Abdul tells DT Next.
The 10-year-old firmly believes that, by providing suitable habitats, he can help increase the sparrow population and restore balance in the local ecosystem. “Sparrows play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. Therefore, it is important to take action to boost their population. We will be expanding the project to other areas of Chennai, engaging more individuals and communities in our mission,” he adds.