CHENNAI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the Lok Sabha on Thursday in response to the Opposition's no-confidence motion against the NDA government.The opposition moved a no-confidence motion against the Modi government on July 26 which was accepted by Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. However, the Modi-government won't lose the vote as his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies have a majority in the Lok Sabha. Any Lok Sabha MP, who has the support of 50 colleagues, can, at any point of time, introduce a motion of no-confidence against the Council of Ministers. Notably, the NDA has a commendable majority with a number of 331 MPs out of which the BJP has 303 MPs while the combined strength of the Opposition bloc I.N.D.I.A is 144.
CHENNAI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the Lok Sabha on Thursday in response to the Opposition's no-confidence motion against the NDA government.The opposition moved a no-confidence motion against the Modi government on July 26 which was accepted by Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla. However, the Modi-government won't lose the vote as his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies have a majority in the Lok Sabha. Any Lok Sabha MP, who has the support of 50 colleagues, can, at any point of time, introduce a motion of no-confidence against the Council of Ministers. Notably, the NDA has a commendable majority with a number of 331 MPs out of which the BJP has 303 MPs while the combined strength of the Opposition bloc I.N.D.I.A is 144.