Special Trains announced between Lokmanya Tilak Terminus and Thiruvananthapuram North, check details

Train No. 01463 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus - Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) Special will leave Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 4 pm on December 19, 26, January 2, 9 (Thursday) and reach Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) at 10.45 pm the next day (4 Services).;

Author :  DTNEXT Bureau
Update:2024-12-16 13:41 IST
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CHENNAI: Central Railway has announced a pair of Special trains between Lokmanya Tilak and Thiruvananthapuram to clear extra rush of the passengers during Christmas/Winter Season.

Train No. 01463 Lokmanya Tilak Terminus - Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) Special will leave Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 4 pm on December 19, 26, January 2, 9 (Thursday) and reach Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) at 10.45 pm the next day (4 Services).

In return direction Train No. 01464 Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) - Lokmanya Tilak Terminus Special will leave Thiruvananthapuram North (Kochuveli) at 4.20 pm on December 21, 28, January 04,11 (Saturday) and reach Lokmanya Tilak Terminus at 12.45 pm the third day (4 Services), a release issued by Southern Railway said.

Advance reservation for the trains comprising two two AC Tier-II Coaches, six AC Tier-III Coaches, nine Sleeper Class Coaches, three General Second Class Coaches and a Second Class Coach (Divyangjan Friendly)& Luggage cum Brake Van each is from Southern Railway end. 


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