Annamalai a pathological liar, charges BJP leader Kalyan Raman

BJP state president K Annamalai found himself under fire after the dismal show of the party in the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections here. Kalyan Raman, one of the senior leaders of BJP, tells DT Next that the state chief is a pathological liar and should take responsibility for the electoral debacle and step down.

Update: 2024-06-08 01:30 GMT

K Annamalai; Kalyan Raman 

What is the reason behind your sudden criticism against Annamalai?

After former Governor Tamilisai made some comments about the results of the Lok Sabha elections, the war room ‘coolie’ gang has been criticising her severely on social media. Criticism of our own party leaders is never allowed. But, Annamalai, the state president of the party, is indirectly encouraging this. Annamalai fostering an online rowdy gang can never be accepted. What right does his war room have to criticise senior leaders of the party when Annamalai himself has no merit? The Annamalai-run war room’s tendency to belittle the senior leaders of the party is a deliberate conspiracy to wipe out the party. A principled party cannot be led by an individual. I am giving a warning so that Annamalai should understand this.

What is the need for Tamilisai to speak like that all of a sudden?

Tamilisai resigned from the post of Governor and returned to state politics. Due to the fear of losing his position to Tamilisai, Annamalai’s war room is planning to denigrate her and spread some scandals. Tamilisai issued a public warning. After that, I have also expressed my opinion. This war room is the Annamalai mafia, which is run with party money and money collected by blackmailing those involved in the ED cases, with the sole aim of promoting Annamalai, attacking other leaders within the party and attacking DMK and AIADMK. I cannot accept it as a cadre that the largest party BJP is controlled by a mob.

Did you talk to Annamalai, or did you try to talk?

Annamalai will not listen to anyone. He will not meet anyone without an appointment. His lack of basic knowledge is the main cause of such problems. He is a pathological liar. He must resign as state president to save state BJP. If he does not resign, the party high-command should sack him.

But his supporters say that the party has grown since he took charge... 

Annamalai tried to create an illusion that he was invincible. You have lost…then how can you be invincible? A leader can only be one who wins people’s hearts. But, Annamalai has a savage attitude that he should be the only one in the party and no one should come as a competitor. As this is not welcome, I object.

Is there anyone else behind you? Did any senior leader force you to speak like this?

I am one of the senior leaders of the party. This is my opinion. I don’t need anyone behind me.

Did you share your concerns and opinions with the party high-command?

There is no atmosphere in the party to talk about such things. The in-charges of the TN unit are in a kind of attitude that Annamalai is like a divine messenger and no one should question him. Even if you try to say that Annamalai’s activities are sick, they are not in the mood to listen. That’s why I am forced to speak on public forum X.

If Annamalai takes action against you, are you ready to face it?

I am principled. I have nothing to lose. If they listen to me, it will be good for BJP’s ideology and its development in Tamil Nadu. If Annamalai mafia is kept in the party, it will be bad for the country, BJP ideology, society and Hinduism.


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