Centre's diktat to university, college students: Watch PM Modi's programme
The higher authorities directed the institutions in Tamil Nadu to take steps to make all students, especially STEM and technical discipline to witness the live streaming of the programme.;

Prime Minister Narendra Modi (Photo: PTI)
CHENNAI: In an order that raised several questions of propriety, especially considering the general elections are just around the corner, the Union Higher Secondary Education Secretary directed all higher education institutions to ask students - particularly those from technical discipline - to watch the live event of Prime Minister Narendra Modi laying foundation stones for three semiconductor plants on Wednesday.
Though semiconductors have become a crucial element in several sectors from computers and smartphones to the automobile industry, the diktat has raised shackles among students organisations and political parties, who point out that these plants are private entities and not any State-run enterprise.
Another reason for their anger is that the students have to watch the event on the personal (political rather) YouTube channel of Narendra Modi, and not government channels.
The higher authorities directed the institutions in Tamil Nadu to take steps to make all students, especially STEM and technical discipline to witness the live streaming of the programme.
While the actual event is from 10.30 am to 11.30 am, the circular said the institutions may prepare their own programmes starting an hour earlier. It also 'helpfully' suggests the topics: focus on India Semiconductor Mission and India’s Techade.
Though the communication repeatedly uses the term "requests", the final sentence directs them to "furnish the programme schedule of your campus/college through email".
In previous instances, university top brass had expressed concern that ignoring such diktats could affect their funding from UGC/Centre, while following them would earn them the wrath of the State government.
It remains to be seen how many universities and colleges in Tamil Nadu would follow the latest instruction, and also the response from the parties here, especially State-ruling DMK.