Comprehensive booklet released for students to pursue in govt arts and science colleges
The booklet, which could be fetched online, will guide the students with regard to the admission process for college details and other academic activities for the year 2024-2025.;
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CHENNAI: For the first time, the Tamil Nadu government has released a comprehensive book-let about the Arts and Science Colleges admissions in the State.
The booklet, which could be fetched online, will guide the students with regard to the admission process for college details and other academic activities for the year 2024-2025.
Accordingly, the eligible students would be able to know the tuition fees waiver as per government orders, all other fees including university fees as applicable that should be paid by the candidates and availability of college hostels and welfare hostels.
The booklet, which was released recently, said that students could get all the information from the list of all Arts and Science colleges, which was under government control, will be available.
A senior official from the collegiate education department said that the courses and branches indicated in the booklet are based on the information given by the respective colleges.
"Any change in the existing branches or intake or if approval is obtained from the competent authority for changes, it is the responsibility of the candidates to note carefully such additional information before exercising their option for the college and branch", he said.
The official said the details given in the book-let are as received from the colleges concerned as on May 4, 2024 and changes, if any, will be uploaded in the web portal.