Disability-related questions dropped in National Family Health Survey, RTI reveals

In the press note released by We the People (with disabilities) of India it stated that there is lack of transparency followed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and IIPS on the proceedings of NFHS 6.;

Update:2023-07-26 22:27 IST
Disability-related questions dropped in National Family Health Survey, RTI reveals

Right to Information (RTI)

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CHENNAI: In the recently filed Right to Information (RTI) petition, it has been confirmed that the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) has categorically dropped disability-related questions in National Family Health Survey (NFHS) despite the Department for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPWD) urged to include the same.

In the press note released by We the People (with disabilities) of India it stated that there is lack of transparency followed by the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and IIPS on the proceedings of NFHS 6.

"The representatives of the disability community had been asked to read multiple documents and give recommendations just to be ignored even without sparing minutes of the meeting and ultimately being taken for a ride from February 2023," the press note stated.

Also, the members of the community pointed out that the collective representation by over 2,600 individuals and organisations have been overlooked. "Despite several requests to include disability questions in NFHS 6, the Ministry has neither asked IIPS to change its stand, nor has it consulted with experts from the disability sector to understand and collaborate on this matter, "the note added.


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