Do not demote high school headmasters: Ramadoss
He added that the Madras High Court ordered the government not to appoint PG assistants as headmasters of high schools and instead appoint senior most graduate teachers as headmasters.;

PMK founder Dr S Ramadoss
CHENNAI: As the state government has reportedly decided to demote headmasters of high schools, who are PG assistants, citing over-qualification, PMK founder S Ramadoss urged not to demote them and to find an alternate solution for implementing the High Court order.
"Citing over-qualification, the government has decided to demote 1,300 headmasters of high schools. This is unfair. The practice was that PG assistants were appointed as headmasters of higher secondary schools and graduate teachers would be appointed as headmasters of high schools once they got promoted as PG assistants, " he said.
He added that the Madras High Court ordered the government not to appoint PG assistants as headmasters of high schools and instead appoint senior most graduate teachers as headmasters.
"But the order has not been clarified on the date of implementation. The government is trying to implement the order retrospectively, " he pointed out.
Ramadoss opined that the change should be followed in upcoming appointments. "If the headmasters are demoted, they will be affected mentally and their teaching ability will be reduced. This will ultimately affect the students. So the government should take measures to resolve the issue without affecting both sides, " he said.
He urged the government to hold talks with representatives of PG assistants and graduate teachers and avoid confusions.