DPH announces general transfer and promotion counselling schedule

The willing staff from across the State can attend the counselling on the given dates for the general transfer and promotion counselling. As per the regulations, the candidates whose service particulars are duly endorsed by the Deputy Director of Health Services concerned are only eligible to attend the counselling.

Update:2024-01-23 21:50 IST

Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine 

CHENNAI: The general transfer and promotion counselling for all categories of staff working under the Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine is scheduled to be conducted from April 3, 2024 to 26 June, 2024 at Health and Family Welfare Training Centre in Egmore.

A notification from the Directorate was sent to all the Deputy Directors of Health Services on Tuesday.

The willing staff from across the State can attend the counselling on the given dates for the general transfer and promotion counselling. As per the regulations, the candidates whose service particulars are duly endorsed by the Deputy Director of Health Services concerned are only eligible to attend the counselling.

The applications have to be submitted and a counter signature of the Deputy Director of Health Service concerned in the proforma is required. For the counselling, the station seniority will be the criteria. Meanwhile, the candidates who are on leave or on unauthorised absence are not eligible to attend the transfer and promotion counselling.

The staff is directed to join within 15 days of the counselling. After the issue of orders, cancellation or modification will not be entertained. The mutual transfer requests will be considered only to those who have completed six months of their service in the present station. The candidates are also requested to choose vacancies from those places displayed at the transfer and promotion counselling venue.


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