Need to create more awareness on Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics in Tamil Nadu, reveals study
To overcome the challenge, Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics are an important measure to develop a specific service designed for adolescents.;

Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (File Photo)
CHENNAI: The Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine carried out a study to understand the utilization of adolescent friendly health clinics in Tamil Nadu during the period of one year.
Skin problems management of anaemia, sexually transmitted disease management and menstrual problem management were the major clinical services utilized by the registered adolescents.
As many diseases of adulthood originate in adolescence, the adolescent behaviour leads to risk-taking exposures like unwanted pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted disease, substance abuse and unintended injuries.
To overcome the challenge, Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics are an important measure to develop a specific service designed for adolescents.
The programme aims to provide comprehensive health services for adolescents aged 10 to 19 years of age. This program targets adolescents of both genders, residing in urban and rural areas. As on date 442 adolescent health friendly clinic were established in Tamil Nadu.
The analysis revealed that about 35 percent of counselling services were nutrition related, 23 percent on anaemia management and related to skin problems. Menstrual problems and sexually transmitted infection management was another concern among nine percent of the adolescents.
As part of the programme, major outreach session for adolescent were conducted in schools and colleges by Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram team, followed in outreach camps conducted by Mobile Medical Units teams and Village health sanitation and Nutrition day conducted by Village Health Nurses.
However, the study found that there was lower utilisation of AFHC services among the study participants. Only about 5 percent male and 6 percent female adolescent utilised the clinics, mainly due to efficient functioning of health and wellness centres in villages and primary health centres.
The study stated that efforts must be taken to create awareness and utilization of services among adolescents and their wards regarding AFHS.
The health planners should make efforts to create a conducive environment for the adolescent by training the AFHS providers, particularly those who work in government institutions, and strengthening the awareness creation strategies among adolescents to increase the utilization of the services.