Tiruchy Corpn plans to plant 1 lakh saplings with help of edu institutions
The City Corporation Commissioner Dr R Vaithinathan announced during World Environment Day that at least one lakh saplings would be planted across all five zones in the corporation.;
Tiruchy civic officials and school students during planting of saplings
TIRUCHY: Tiruchy City Corporation planned to plant at least one lakh saplings with the support of educational institutions located in the city, residents’ welfare organisations and NGOs functioning in the City and as a part of the programme, the students planted in the KK Nagar area here on Wednesday.
The City Corporation Commissioner Dr R Vaithinathan announced during World Environment Day that at least one lakh saplings would be planted across all five zones in the corporation.
Around 500 saplings were planted in KK Nagar on Wednesday with the support of the school students. The students along with the elected members and the civic administration officials planted saplings of pungan, jamun, neem, and various other indigenes varieties along the Udayanpatti railway gate, Rivera Street, and Uyyankonan river banks.
The Commissioner said that the sapling plantation spots would be identified in all the five zones in the corporation and the one lakh sapling plantation target would be achieved within a month, he said.
Each Zonal chairperson and the Assistant Commissioners are given the responsibility to plant the saplings and they would be taken care of by the civic staff with the support of the Self Help Groups, said the Commissioner.