TN DPH issues instructions to follow while obtaining patient feedback form

The Assistant Director of Primary Health Centers (PHC) or State Bureau of Health Intelligence is the nodal person at the Directorate Office.

Author :  DTNEXT Bureau
Update:2024-11-11 19:14 IST

Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine

CHENNAI: The Directorate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (DPH) has fixed nodal officers for the patient feedback form submission and have issued instructions to follow while obtaining the patient feedback form.

The Assistant Director of Primary Health Centers (PHC) or State Bureau of Health Intelligence is the nodal person at the Directorate Office.

The Assistant Director and District Health Educator is the nodal person at District Health Office.

Meanwhile, the Block Medical Officer is the nodal person at block level.

While collecting the feedback form, the officers should include elderly, antenatal care, parents and guardians of paediatric patients, non-communicable diseases patients.

The officers should avoid severely ill patients to be avoided. The patients who are not literate should be explained about the form.

The form will also be used to conduct exit survey.

The officers have also been asked to ensure that the form is clear and neat.

However, the patients should not be forced to submit the forms.

Medical officers have been asked to submit the survey form of 10 patients per Primary Health Centers per week.


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