TN govt launches Dr AJT Johnsingh Wildlife Conservation Award
Outstanding contributions towards management of human-animal conflict, wildlife education, veterinary sciences, published literature and research and other activities will be considered for the award.;

Dr AJT Johnsingh
CHENNAI: The state environment, climate change and forests department has issued orders to constitute the Dr AJT Johnsingh Wildlife Conservation Award for contributions to the field of wildlife conservation. The award will be given annually.
A Government Order (GO) on September 16 said that the award will have a citation and prize money of Rs 25 lakh among other things. Any recognized institution or an individual engaged in scientific work or field work for the cause of protection and conservation of wildlife is eligible for the award. There is no age limit for the award.
Outstanding contributions towards management of human-animal conflict, wildlife education, veterinary sciences, published literature and research and other activities will be considered for the award.
State forest minister M Mathivendan on June 25 had announced in the state assembly that the award was constituted in honour of the contributions of Dr AJT Johnsingh in the field of wildlife conservation. Dr AJT Johnsingh passed away on June 7.
The GO stated that Dr AJT Johnsingh is a renowned biologist and vivid wildlife conservationist from Nanguneri in the Tirunelveli district. "He pursued a career in the field of biology so that he could spend time in the forests, which he loved. He has trained scores of young biologists and wildlife managers at the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun from where he retired.
Dr AJT Johnsingh, from the days of his post-graduation till his death had worked for the development of wildlife science and wildlife conservation. He has inspired many wildlife lovers, environmentalists and forest officers towards a professional approach in wildlife conservation," the order added.
The department will constitute a preliminary scrutiny committee and final scrutiny committee to select the awardees.
In another order, the department announced that it has constituted the 'Hon'ble Chief Minister's Water Body Conservator Award' which will felicitate one winner per district, including NGOs and individuals. The award will carry a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh. The award will be given through Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board (TNPCB).