Tarot - On the cards
The month of August is coming to an end and with that, the year-end feels very close. For the entire month of September, try chanting the following switchwords that encompasses many aspects of life.;
By : migrator
Update:2019-08-25 01:04 IST
Chant for health, wealth and happiness. Try this for the whole month, minimum 28 times and maximum any number you wish. Do it with faith and you can see changes in situations you feel stuck and unproductive. Chant when you are in a calm state of mind so that the subconscious absorbs the messages and acts upon them. The manifestation is faster, and results come in without even one realising it. However, the action is important to make this happen. You do your part and allow the Universe to do its part. It is a partnership that needs to be worked on by both. Keep the faith and make things happen!
For finances- CRYSTAL- COUNT-FIND-OIL | For finding love/spouse- DIVINE-VENUSLOVE-HOLE-BEGIN-NOW | For success in business- GIVE-DIVINE-COUNT-GET- PERSONAL | To harmonise family life-DIVINE- EMERALD-LIMIT- GUARD | To harmonise parent/children experience- CRYSTAL-CROWD-UP-LIMIT-GUARD | To get good health-CRYSTAL-CHANGE-DIVINE-ALONE-TOGETHER
With the Wheel of Fortune coming up if you have been looking to fulfill all your ambitions and desires then the time has come for that. The Wheel of Fortune also signifies that what goes around comes around. So if you have done a lot of good in the past then now is the time when you will reap the benefits of your actions. And this holds good if there have been errors too. Basically, it is payment time. The Nine of Wands indicates a lot of desires and the proverbial fire in the belly that makes people fight for what they want. This can be stressful because of the pressure you put on yourself and you will need to watch your health. Fire is needed to make things grow but it can also destroy. Ensure that you have a balance in mind before you take on too much to achieve.
Taureans are having a hard time coming to terms with delayed wishes and expected results. The Knight of Pentacles brings about the desire for a youthful outlook on life and energy which probably does not match the frequency of your frustrations of things going too slow. This mismatch is causing impatience which you will have to keep under control and bring about your inner strength and equanimity to handle what comes your way. The card Strength is ensuring that you keep a grip over what you may be feeling and experiencing so that you are able to see the totality of everything. It’s not easy but this is the only way to handle tough situations and delays that seem to be plaguing you right now. Be strong and vibrant so that things would go your way and you will see the end product of your desires.
Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Typically, the week ahead is one of unease and uncertainty. You will want to move away from where you are and forget this part of your life but running away is hardly going to help. The King of Cups shows a strong male presence in your life and in the way you look at things. There is a kingly demeanour about you and you know that you are good at being in command. But it comes with a lot of responsibilities which you don’t really feel like handling right now. The Eight of Cups shows that your inner wish is to leave all this and go somewhere far from everyone. That is not going to happen. You will stay and sort things out like a responsible leader and you will have everything in control soon.
There is a message for those born under the sign of Cancer — don’t be secretive and do not hold on to your money like it is going away from you. Both are not part of your personality so there is no need to be insecure about finances and about life in general. If at all being grateful for all the good things there will help and go a long way in building more prosperity for you and family. The Four of Pentacles shows that you are not sure what to do about finances. There is no dearth of it only that you don’t wish to share much of it with others. Remember, the more you give the more you get. The Judgement card says let go of fears and be giving to others and making your life full of gratitude.
For many Leos, the mind will be like a yo-yo going back and forth about many things. The constant vacillating is because the moon is playing its game of ping pong. You won’t stay in the same frame of mind for long and that will make you irritable and unsettled especially when it comes to home life. All you want is stability when it comes to your personal space and relationships and this aspect will definitely make it seem on shaky ground. This is just a passing phase and you will be back on firm ground. The Moon card and the Four of Wands makes its impact mostly on your personal life and you should stay calm and accept the slight turbulence with equanimity. This week is most likely to be unsettling. Don’t give it much credence.
A bit of a tough time for Virgos in the coming week. Everything seems fast and frenzied and that is making you edgy and angry. You are at odds with almost everyone in your life and with all aspects of your work. People will be uncooperative, inattentive and grumpy – all of which will make you want to put it all away. But that is not what you can do as you well know and your search for the best solution will go on. The Hanged Man indicates that. You are extremely creative and innovative and you will come up with something that works for you. Finally, everything will fall into place – don’t give in to hostility either from within or from outside sources. There is much you can achieve by being calm and patient.
The Queen of Swords brings with it the third element in a triangle — and that is something you should not fear but forge ahead and get your work done. The Universe is constantly showing you ways and means to get ahead, but you are not seeing them properly and acting on them. Look at the signs which are actually in your favor. That is what the Four of Cups is trying to tell you. The Queen of Swords shows that you are a strong person who has clarity about everything in life and that if push comes to shove you will step up and do what is need to be done. But do look out for the gifts being given to you by the Universe. Make the best use of them and this week looks very bright for that.
Too much overthinking can kill peace or joy that can come your way. Also, that will make you want to be stealthy and cunning about your moves which are not really you. Honesty and being straight forward is part of your intrinsic nature, so don’t give in to the negative part of your thinking. The Seven of Swords and Page of Swords have a good and a not good side to them when it comes to the way you think. The first one can make you miss the good things simply by running away and being in a negative headspace. While the Page of Swords shows that you are a fighter and you should be able to pick your battles.
This week is all about future goals, conquests and financial gains. You will be preoccupied with the work aspect leaving you little time for personal life. The Eight of Wands shows that you are looking at new ventures, business deals and all things related to the growth towards the future. The King of Pentacles indicates a strong male presence whose inputs will be invaluable when it comes to handling finances. You are actually in a good place with good command over what is going on around you making you a good leader and someone who knows the path ahead. You need to have a work-life balance.
There is a thin line between being bound and being bonded. One feels heavy, while the other brings about a sense of belonging that makes the relationship strong and steady. You are feeling both sides of the coin as you think about what your situation is when it comes to the home front. The Devil literally plays the advocate here showing you two sides of the same coin and what you will eventually do with it will determine the state of your personal life. The Ten of Cups indicate the propensity to build a good home provided you don’t give in to a feeling of suffocation and being hemmed in.
It is not that you are not giving it your all — it is just the feeling of being alone in this big world that you feel separated from your physical self. The Hermit is a card that indicates ploughing a lonely furrow — but then, that is probably true of most people in this world today where you can feel alone in a huge crowd. The Divine is walking every step of the way as you complete important tasks this week to the best of your abilities. It is a week of giving - of yourself, of money and time and the Six of Pentacles reinforces that. And there are many who will benefit from your actions and ensure you do that knowing you are protected and loved no matter how alone you feel.
If you have a partner, you will be in a mood to get into a fight right now. It is not that there is no love — there is, but the time seems to foster a bit of hostility about every aspect of your shared life. The Two of Cups while showing plenty of togetherness, also shows the emotional quotient that will bring about bickering and quarrelling for small inconsequential things. They don’t really matter, but for now, it will make you feel annoyed and upset over small things and take the joy out of your life. The Five of Wands brings with it a hostile environment that needs cooling. There is much heat being generated simply by saying things you don’t mean. So stop and watch your thoughts as well as the words.
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