Tarot - On the cards
This week there are codes being given for money matters.These numbers must be chanted 45 times three times a day to bring in results.;
By : migrator
Update:2020-06-27 23:46 IST
As with any kind of prayer, this must be done with faith and consistency and a certain child-like attitude. You will be surprised how the money will come in mystical ways.
June 28-July 4
For prosperity/wealth/ abundance: 536389589
To recover money- urgent cases- 897
To get back if someone owes – 858
Money to flow- 1122/ 5701
To overcome economic problems: 608
Money to reach someone who needs: 42170
Also, repeat Kingfisher several times a day to bring the money in.
Drawing money like a magnet: 199621147
To make money: 372 622 777
Attract cash flow- 82712804
Attract money- 897 (write on paper and keep in the purse or wallet)
Unexpected money to flow – 520
And when and if you find it hard to repeat these numbers keep chanting COUNT and this will also bring in the money.
Accelerate wealth: 133
There is pretty much all that you need right now despite you feeling like you don’t. The Wheel of Fortune is there showing you the plenty around you and no matter how things are there is always so much to feel grateful for. But it is not that you are being denied anything. On the home front as well as work things are going on and other than the activities of meeting people physically and going on pleasure trips most things are taken care of. And the best part is that you are doing well too. When it is so then you would need to build up a calmer state of mind so that you can view things as such. The Temperance card is a reminder that no matter what happens it is the time to remain steady and keep a sane head. There is light at the end of the tunnel if that is your situation. The Page of Wands shows that you could be very invested in young people and their goals and dreams.
Prepare for major changes coming into life – The Tower is the first card that comes for all of you. The change is inevitable but does could have some moments of discomfort. You are about to change the way you think, do things and accept what comes your way. There could be a big influx of money coming your way too and that again changes many things for you and those around you. If you have young children or siblings or close people you can be happy that they will be doing very well and setting off new projects and paths for themselves. This will bring cheer into your life and you can heave a sigh of relief if things have been stagnant for a while now. The Ten of Pentacles is the card that shows the entry of fairly big money, while the Page of Cups brings youngsters into the limelight. News from overseas will change things around.
For most Geminis, this is a time of great achievement — even if it is something not really visible to the world around you. You are a star and whether others see it or not recognize this of yourself. The card, Star comes to assure you of this and to ask you not to have any doubts about this. You have done and will continue doing things that will remain etched on the canvas of life and it good to pat yourself on the back now and then. This brings us to the Five of Wands which shows how much at odds you are with yourself- self-doubt, second-guessing and feeling of worthlessness- all of which need to be dispensed with. There is a time and place for everything, and you have done a lot and will do more so when you beat yourself up needlessly then you are actually turning against yourself. Very counterproductive!
Money will be on top of your mind this week about how to spend and what to put it into. This by all means is a wise exercise given the conditions of today. And while you do it you will feel a sense of despair and will want to move out of this area and not think about such things. But there is really nowhere you can go because the mind and this mindset will follow you. The Two of Pentacles will bring about this line of thinking and also the Seven of Cups both of which will churn things up a bit. This would the kind of card (the Seven of Cups) which would have made saints and sadhus leave everything and go to the mountains in search of the elusive. This is not something you can do now but the feeling is likely to be similar. And bringing you back on track is the card, Justice which shows that do things at the right time.
Right now, there is a lot of togetherness – especially between partners at work and at home. The Lovers card shows an increased amount of bonding also thanks to the restricted living being done now. That said, it is also an opportunity to rebuild relationships and ties as a foundation of the coming days ahead. Forces that cannot be combated are ones that are a team, and this is something to remember as the days go by. The Four of Swords shows many things that will take shape later and everything boils down to the seeds you sow now. There is a lot of color and devotion that will bring and help you deal with things and that you will see eventually. The Three of Cups brings some amount of bonhomie and camaraderie within the walls of your home and take it all as a blessing.
The sense of right and wrong is deeply ingrained in you and you will find yourself always giving up something to be able to do the right thing. This feeling is prevalent this week even more than before and all your actions will be geared towards that. The Chariot is showing you the way and you will walk it with some amount of trepidation and reluctance. It is not easy doing the right thing. It is uncomfortable and annoying but finally it is also very liberating. Which is why the Nine of Cups come to show that when you do this there is much to feel good about. The card also portends some happy moments and brings to you cheer and a sense of things being the way they should be. It could make you complacent in some areas and you would want to watch out for that. The Seven of Pentacles indicates a lot of preoccupation with money.
Many Librans are feeling the lack- of virtually everything. But this is so not true because there are most things but not in the way you think it should be. The Five of Pentacles shows that you are thinking out of a place of want and not of plenty. A slight shift in the way you think will bring you everything you desire. Eight of Swords sort of confirms this line of thinking because you in an unconscious manner are tying yourself up that is making you feel frustrated and claustrophobic. If you remove the metaphorical mask over your eyes you will easily see the great things meant for you. Especially, if you in the youngster age group. The Six of Wands brings this aspect where all the dreams and ambitions you have for yourself is not too far from being realised.
The basic home structure is good and reassuring. This is a good thing because you can then concentrate on the ambition part of your life. The Four of Wands brings harmony and togetherness when it comes to your personal life. And banking on this, you can work on the fire element of desires and work related wants knowing that the foundation is good. The Eight of Wands shows clearly how much you are getting focussed on your career and work and also remember that every little action towards doing a good job will bring its own little rewards. And they come in different mystical ways and you will have to look for all those signals The Universe will be sending. The Ten of Wands brings into focus that many things you want to do but don’t have either the energy or way to do it all. Someone with so many talents and drive will find it a bit burdensome.
Going forward you can afford to not think about the goings-on now and concentrate on future actions. This applies to your personal as well as professional life. The Knight of Pentacles shows that you will be looking at many areas of expansion to suit the new normal and you will be trying to find new paths to making financial gains in the way you desire. The Magician shows that you are someone who has a lot of talents especially when it comes to work-life. And that is a blessing because all resources are available to you to make that impact, but you will need to strategise to be able to maximize your skills. The Ace of Pentacles augurs very well when it comes to financial gains no matter what the economic conditions are in general.
It is not difficult to understand why money is a priority right now. And for those born under this sign this is so too. The Four of Pentacles shows that the very foundation on which lives are built is feeling a bit shaky. You would like a strong base of financial security to be able to make plans for the future and also live well now. And that will make you a bit crabby and secretive about the resources available to you. And you are not likely to share information with those close to you about how you are going to manage. You also know that there is a battle to keep things stable and the Knight of Swords shows that. You are preparing for tough times and you think unless you tighten the belt you are in for difficult times.
You are likely to be in two minds about almost everything- work, life, relationships. You will question them and wonder about them. That is also because the situation is also leading you to it. All the things you held dear are not the way they are and the people you interacted with are also not there in a physical sense thanks to the pandemic across the world. There will be moments when you wish you can sail away into other places where you had been going regularly. And that will bring about so much nostalgia and wistfulness, but you will just have to wait for better times to travel. Meanwhile, those in a relationship or committed ones, will understand the need for each other and also try and forge better equations as you go along. And those who are not will long for companionship and you will feel the loneliness hit you.
Focus is on interpersonal relationships this week and there is no running away from it all. The Devil card and the Seven of Swords shows this interaction between people and desires to be away from ones that make you feel less of a person than you are. This is bound to be there when there is close interaction with those you live with, especially if they happen to be strong partners or husband/ wife. The accent will be on the way you get along. And this is something with ups and downs, so it is important to look at the big picture and pick your battles. The Seven of Swords also shows that you would rather not deal with too many thoughts that are acrimonious which is a good thing. The Nine of Pentacles brings in some good moments when you are on top of things especially when it comes to finances.
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