20 years, 2.3 trillion dollars spent, 2,400 troops killed: US' longest war, in numbers

US President Joe Biden became the fourth commander in chief to stand in reverence, his head bowed, as the heroes came home

By :  migrator
Update: 2021-08-31 05:01 GMT
US soldiers in Afghan

New York

As the last of Americas C-17s flew into the night fromKabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport just before the clock struck midnightin Afghanistan Monday, the costs of Americas longest war began sinking in athome.

Thirteen fallen US service members, mostly in their 20s andborn just around the time of the 9/11 attacks in 2001, returned 24 hours ago inthe last of the caskets from Afghanistan, draped in the US flag.

US President Joe Biden became the fourth commanderin chief to stand in reverence, his head bowed, as the heroes came home. Overthe last 20 years, more than 2,400 US service members have been killed inAfghanistan alone.

Here are some numbers from America’s longest war. The dataon casualties and costs (approximations) are sourced from the Costs of WarProject at Brown University and covers the time period between October 2001 toApril 2021. Other data are sourced from a combination of Pentagon, White Houseand US State Department briefings.

Number of people killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks inNew York City, Washington, DC and Pennsylvania: Nearly 3,000.

Date on which US Congress authorized use of USArmed Forces against those responsible for the September 11 attacks: September18, 2001.

Time at which the last US planes took off from Kabul airporton August 30, 2021: 3:29 pm in Washington, DC.

Number of days between Taliban takeover and totalUS withdrawal: 15.

Number of people killed in a suicide attack three daysbefore the US left Afghanistan: 13 US service members and 169 Afghans.

Total number killed in Afghanistan alone, last 20 years:171,000-174,000

America’s total expenditure on operations in Afghanistan andPakistan: $2.313 trillion.

American military members killed in Afghanistan: 2,461.

US contractors killed in Afghanistan: 3,846.

National (Afghan) military and police deaths: 66,000.

Afghan civilian deaths: 47,245.

Number of Americans who remain in Afghanistan, according toSecretary of State Antony Blinken: “under 200, likely closer to 100”.

Number of “hard core” Islamic State terrorists who remain inAfghanistan: At least 2,000.

US vehicles and systems disabled before withdrawal: 27Humvees and 73 aircraft.

The last task US troops completed before catching the finalplane: They disabled the C-RAMS (Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar System).

The last people to board the final US plane out of Kabul:Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division andacting US ambassador to Afghanistan Ross Wilson. Donahue coordinated the finalevacuation effort for the US.

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