Brazil's Bolsonaro limits social media content removal by tech giants

The decree goes into effect immediately but must be ratified by Congress in order to become law

Update: 2021-09-07 04:14 GMT

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro issued a decree Mondaythat changes the rules of content moderation on social media, a move thatcritics argue could hinder the fight against disinformation.

The decree goes into effect immediately but must be ratifiedby Congress in order to become law. It aims to combat "the arbitrary andunjust deletion of accounts, profiles and content by providers," thefederal communications secretariat said.

Far-right leader Bolsonaro, who has himself had contentremoved from his social media accounts for spreading disinformation aboutCovid-19, says that the suspension or removal of accounts and content thatvarious platforms have subjected him and some of his supporters to is"censorship."

The new provision establishes a series of hypotheses forwhich there would be "just cause" to remove content or suspend users-- such as committing crimes or inciting violence -- and imposes new rules forplatforms to do so.

"This provisional measure significantly hinders ourability to limit abuse on our platforms," a Facebook spokesperson toldAFP. "We agree with legal experts and specialists who view the measure asa violation of constitutional rights."

Alessandro Molon, an opposition politician and rapporteur ofBrazil's bill of rights for the internet (MCI), said he was preparing legalaction to overturn the presidential decree.

"Its objective is not to protect freedom of expression,the MCI already does that," Molon said. "What (Bolsonaro) wants is toprevent the disinformation and hate speech that he and his supportersdisseminate from continuing to be removed from the platforms."

Bolsonaro announced the decree on the eve of Brazil'sIndependence Day, when his supporters are set to take to the streets of majorcities throughout the country. Tensions are running high, as anti-Bolsonaro protests havebeen planned in the same cities, and clashes between the groups could occur.

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