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    Hello, fellow car. We’ve got a problem. Let’s talk

    A dangerous obstruction in the roadway, two cars about to move into the same lane or a bicycle coming out of a blind alley up ahead are a few potential surprises

    Hello, fellow car. We’ve got a problem. Let’s talk
    Representative Image

    Communication is key to any good relationship. But when it comes to vehicles and their owners, silence largely prevails. Except for a few vague warning lights on the dashboard and side mirrors — and a few sensor-based sounds in some recent models and, of course, car horns — drivers know nothing about what the vehicles and pedestrians around them are about to do. A dangerous obstruction in the roadway, two cars about to move into the same lane or a bicycle coming out of a blind alley up ahead are a few potential surprises, with the driver often finding out about them too late — sometimes with deadly results.

    Yet by later this decade, much of such surprises is expected to change. Manufacturers are developing systems generically known as C-V2X — shorthand for cellular vehicle-to-everything technology — for vehicles to communicate with one another and pedestrians, cyclists, construction workers (via wearable sensors or smartphones) and road infrastructure elements, like traffic lights.

    With V2X technology, a car whose sensors or cameras detect a pothole in the roadway will be able to notify its driver, giving the driver time to take evasive maneuvers. Highway workers will be alerted to an oncoming vehicle that’s traveling too close to them. School bus drivers will be warned against letting children off if a vehicle fails to stop. And bicyclists (and drivers) will be made aware of one another before possible collisions.

    “While passive safety such as seat belts and active safety from such things as lane departure warning has improved occupant safety, fatalities outside the vehicle are growing,” said Anupam Malhotra, senior director of connected services for Audi of America. “We’re now working to provide cooperative safety, sharing safety-related information with others.”

    Audi has spearheaded work in V2X technology, collaborating with the Virginia Department of Transportation and in Alpharetta, Georgia, on tests that feature vehicles that can communicate with school buses, highway workers and cyclists. C-V2X test vehicles were able to detect stopped school buses, vehicles running a red light, construction workers in the roadway, and bicyclists in blind spots or attempting to turn in front of a turning vehicle. And those vehicles and people could, in turn, detect the C-V2X vehicle.

    V2X technology is expected to appear in vehicles as soon as the 2025 model year. But until there’s a large population of vehicles capable of communicating, the handful that can will largely be talking to themselves. Some vehicles in China already offer V2X in certain locations and with limited features, such as warnings about possible collisions, blind spots, loss of control and traffic jams. And in Europe, certain Volkswagen models offer a different form of V2X technology, known as Car2X; those vehicles can network directly with other VWs, informing one another of critical traffic situations, including broken-down cars and approaching ambulances.

    While many manufacturers have committed to offering V2X technology, there are still hurdles to overcome, beyond the necessity of reaching a critical mass. To communicate, the industry will initially employ LTE cellular technology; to avoid transmission delays, vehicles will speak to one another directly, not through cellular transmission towers. Eventually, the system will switch to 5G standards, allowing for faster communication. One piece of positive news: V2X safety features will not cost extra.

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