Life’s lessons: What lies on the other side of life?
Never fear death. Handle your struggles and obstacles to have the self moulded better.
Your blessings can help you come out of suffering and relieve all...
In the whole of God’s creation, we human beings are not only powerful but unique and peculiar and above all blessed with the power to feel and...
Tarot - On the Cards
Come September, the switchword, WOMB-OPEN-UP-REACH-FOR-LOVE-OIL, is designed to bring love into lives. It is love of all kinds. And love is the...
Karma, destiny and heartfulness
Can one change their destiny with meditation is a question that is often asked? My response is we have many elements in Heartfulness.
Life’s lessons: Think before you speak
As a group of frogs was traveling through woods, two of them fell into a deep pit.
You have a choice to change your life
Let us all accept and understand that the life that we want to live is achievable while the fact remains that no other creatures ever has a chance to...
Tarot - On the cards
The month of August is coming to an end and with that, the year-end feels very close. For the entire month of September, try chanting the following...
You are responsible for change in self
We humans are not born to struggle. That’s not the way we are designed by God, but why do we still struggle? If you really want to live a great life,...