Eat with love, for it cures all spiritual diseases
We are either asleep or we are awake. While we are awake, what do we do? Most of the time we spend communicating with others. Most of our samskaras...
Letting go good things
A student asked his teacher, “What is greed?” The teacher said, “In order to answer your question, go through the chocolate factory next to our school...
Health, the foundation of spirituality and future possibility
No animal has ever suffered knowing that its children will suffer or that its species is endangered, that’s the reason animals are at peace.
Forgiving is hallmark of finding unlimited peace
Harboring hurt in one’s bosom is like keeping daggers close to one’s body. Hurt may be a consequence of any number of legitimate reasons that make us...
Accept mistakes in life
Once upon a time Sammy and his sister Marie visited their grandparents at their farm. Sammy picked up a slingshot to play in the woods.
Identify the bigger goal of life with meditation
When we meditate, what really happens? They have done experiments on people who have meditated for almost, let us say, 50,000 hours.
Real solution to handle stress lies within you
We human beings have different perceptions and belief systems but that which does not change for anybody is called ‘nature’. Science calls it ‘fact’...
Life’s lessons: Tenali and brinjal curry
You can always use your brain and ease out of the difficult situations.