New Lancet study shows how countries can reduce premature death by...
“The goal of “50 by 50,” is achievable”, argues the report. If every country achieves the goal, then, a person born in 2050 would have only a 15...
Scientists find new brain target for anxiety disorders
The junctions between two brain cells (neurons) are called synapses, which are essential for neuronal signal transmission and brain functions.
Delaying knee arthritis treatment can damage spine, warn health...
However, according to experts, the repercussions of untreated or poorly managed knee arthritis extend far beyond the knee join.
DT Health: Dr Agarwals Hospital donates eyeglasses for orphan children
Dr Agarwals Eye Hospital is making comprehensive eye check-ups free for children at all its clinics and hospitals across the city until October 31.
DT Health: Use of gadgets results in silent pandemic that harms eyes
The epidemic of diabetes mellitus, with India becoming an epicentre raises the population at risk of blinding diabetic retinopathy.
DT Health: Shedding light on vertigo problems and its management
A recent survey conducted by Abbott in collaboration with IQVIA reveals that many people in India have been living with vertigo for over a year,...
More than 85pc of blindness cases in India preventable: Experts
India is home to an estimated 34 million people living with blindness or moderate or severe visual impairment (MSVI).
Study finds over 600 different viruses from shower heads, toothbrushes
The previously unknown viruses lurking in our bathrooms could become a treasure trove of materials for exploring those applications, revealed the...