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    Connection mandatory for private premises, streets within 30 metres from Chennai Metro Water sewers

    A bill to suitably the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1978 and enforce the aforesaid condition was tabled in the State Assembly on Friday.

    Connection mandatory for private premises, streets within 30 metres from Chennai Metro Water sewers

    CMWSSB Board office

    CHENNAI: Owners or occupants of any premises or private streets located within 30 metres from a sewer of Chennai Metro Water (CMWSSB) cannot rely on septic tank or cesspool or sewage disposal vehicles to dispose their sewage in the city henceforth. They must mandatorily avail sewer connection from Chennai Metro Water.

    A bill to suitably the Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Act 1978 and enforce the aforesaid condition was tabled in the State Assembly on Friday.

    Moving the amendment Bill, which would be called CMWSSB (Amendment) Act 2024, in the House on Friday, State Municipal Administration Minister KN Nehru said, “Where there is a sewer of the board (CMWSSB) within 30 metres from the nearest point of any premises or a private street, the owner or occupier of such premises or the owner of such private street shall apply to the authorised authority to provide a sewer connection for the discharge of the sewage of such premises or private street into the sewerage board.”

    The new connection would be provided subject to conditions by the authorised CMWSSB authority to the applicant owner/occupier who should bear the expenses incurred by the board. “No owner or occupier of such premises or private street within 30 metres from the nearest point of the sewer of the board, shall continue or resort to any other means of sewage disposal such as septic tank, cesspool or sewage disposal vehicles,” Nehru informed the House.

    DTNEXT Bureau
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